A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough!
The big thing these days is your ability to capture the market. So how do you do that?
Do you...
1) Use spam tactics?
2) Have a massive banner campaign?
3) Spends lots of money of PPC Advertising?
4) Build a huge web site?
5) Link to everyone in the world?
or do you...
6) Own a network of more than one web site? - Thinking that your network will help your search engine rankings since you can control your own link popularity!
#6 is starting to be the norm out there. Companies are just consuming a mass amount of domain names in order to increase their chances of being found online.
But does it really increase their chances? Let's see...
Since recently, Google has been crawling through "DNS"information in order to sniff out who owns what. So for instance, if you own 20 web sites, google will find that out by the information you have on all the registered domains.
Given that you own these 20 web sites, doesn't that give you the ability to create your own high page ranking, link popularity building campaign? Answer is yes, so what happens from that? Absolutely nothing. Nothing happens to increase your rankings I mean.
For instance, let's say you are trying to build everything off of one mainly large web site of yours. Let's also say that you intend to link to site #2 for this key phrase "Boosting Rankings". You've done a lot of work to add that title and link pointing to site #2 on all of your pages within your one, main, larger site. Here's what happens to your rankings for both of them.
It is known now that google has come up with this "Sandbox" effect. This is simply known as keeping an eye on certain network of web sites and the targeted key phrases they are after.
So your site #1 isn't the target of this sandbox effect, it's your smaller, networked web site that is. Instead of getting any type of rank for the phrase "Boosting Ranking", this site is added to a pool of web sites that are doing the same thing. The catch is that this "pool" is nowhere to be found, unless you know how to look for it.
On the other hand, your main, large web site will now take over the ranking for "Boosting Ranking" and will probably do pretty good within a search!!!
So does owning a network really help you? NO, not unless you know how to better your "smaller", network web sites so that they don't get caught in this "Sandbox Effect".
So how do you do that?
Simple, instead of relying on your network to boost your page ranking, outsource some of that strategy elsewhere. See, "Google" is only saying, if we don't do this to your network, then it gives you the sole ability to control your search engine rankings for all your sites. We are merely stating that we know you have a network and worked really hard to build it but we also want you to promote other peoples sites as well.
It's that simple. If you start today and keep building more links on other peoples web sites with your network, your entire network should see a big difference within 30 days of starting.
I hope this article helps you out!
About The Author
Martin Lemieux
Smartads - President
Affordable Web Design & Web Advertising
http://www.smartads.info / http://www.smartads.ca
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