PHP & Account Activation
When a user signs up at your website, you may want to verify their email address so you aren't getting bogus accounts in your database. A few lines of code can send an email to the address specified, containing a welcome greeting and link to activate their account. PHP is the best way to both send the emails and do the activation process.
When the link in the email is clicked, a PHP page is loaded that performs a couple simple validation techniques, and if valid, it activates the account. PHP checks for the email address in the database and makes sure the random variable attached to the URL is the one generated at account creation to be used for activation. If these conditions are met, the account is activated.
Some sites also allow the user to resend the activation email, which makes the account activation code a little longer. PHP then has to delete the value for the old activation variable and insert a new randomly generated variable in the database. The script also has to send the email again, but with a different messaged attached - like "This is a resent confirmation email to activate your account with us".
I am a PHP website developer at http://www.simplyphp.com with 6 years experience.

Three Things Every Website Should Do
When I started my company in 2002, I knew I needed to have a website. Why? To provide credibility! How can a company be "real" in this day and age if it doesn't have a website? So, like many companies, I published an informational website that explained "here's who we are, and here's what we do".
Make Your Communication Come Alive
Design and layout can make your communication come alive and your message immediately apparent. Now, with so much technology at hand, design becomes much easier, but you must develop the ability to plan and visualize what you want to convey. Then decide what will appeal to your readers and help them understand the material.
Credibility - 10 Ways to Build it on Your Website
If you have your own business website and you are trying to sell something, then it is imperative that you are able to establish and maintain credibility. Why is this important? If you are going to ask someone to make a purchase from you, then you need to show them why they should purchase from you rather then your competitor on another site.
Study Your Sites Performance Via Hit Tracking
Knowledge is power.
Web Accessibility: The Basics
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The Two Most Common Mistakes That Scare Away Web Visitors
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Preventing Repeat Form Submission Using PHP Sessions
We've all seen those messages on some websites warning not to click a button more than once or negative consequences, like paying a bill twice, may result. Sometimes we can cause these problems by hitting the back or refresh buttons. In this article I will explain a methodology whereby a site can ensure each form is submitted only once, thereby demonstrating that such warnings are unnecessary and, depending on the nature of the problems caused, worth repairing immediately. Let's begin by taking a look at the process we are studying: Form Submission. As pedantic as it may seem, it will be worthwhile to detail each of the steps in this process: Visitor requests a page from the server which has a form on it.Server retrieves form and sends to user.User enters data on form and submits to server.Server processes form data and returns resultant page. The scenario we now need to analyze is when the user re-triggers a previous form submission process. What we need to find or create is something which changes during the form submission process which does not depend on the specific form being submitted and which we can tell changed. That was a loaded sentence which fully details our solution, so let's break it down. Find or create something which changes during the form submission process,does not depend on the specific form being submitted, andwe can tell changed.
Setting Up Your First Website
Q. Hey, Cathy: I'm just setting up a website. What should I do?
From Concept to Website
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Is Your Website Innovative? Increase Your Business Over Night!
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Planning Your Website for Success
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12 Essential Tips to a Professional Business Website
1. Choose a big enough font size. A size 12 is good for easy readability.
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Better Web Site ROI
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Sticking To Your Plan
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