Protect Your Domain Name or Risk Losing It
Your domain name is an important part of your brand and identity. Losing it could be disastrous! Yet, month over month we see people lose their domain name, either because they ignore or forget to renew them, or do not keep their contact information - especially their email address - current and up to date.
A whole new industry has been created out of lost and neglected domain names. It is now common place for an expired domain name to be snagged the moment it is released back to the 'available' pool. These poachers will grab any domain name that has a decent search engine ranking and forward it to anything from a competitors web site, to a pay per click advertising site. They are hoping to have you pay a big ransom to get your domain name back or to capitalize on the residual traffic left over by your domain name's high search engine ranking.
There are steps you can take to protect yourself from these tactics:
- Activate the 'Domain Lock' feature with your registrar. This prevents changes in contact info, DNS servers and most importantly, blocks transfer away requests that could be sent by a poacher trying to steal your domain name
- Keep your contact information, especially your email address current and up to date. Be sure to white list the domain name of your registrar so renewal and other important email notices don't get caught in your Spam filters. If you are worried about listing your email address in the public Whois database, ask your Registration provider about Whois Privacy Service
- Most registrars send out occasional Whois Confirmation emails to domain owners, giving them the opportunity to double check and correct any invalid or outdated information. Do Not ignore these emails, double check the information and correct any errors
- Be on the lookout for fraudulent renewal notices that arrive both in email and especially by regular paper mail. There are a few companies sending very officially looking paper mail renewal notices that look very much like invoices. They are not! They are carefully crafted marketing documents designed to fool an accounts payable clerk into thinking its a bill that has to be paid!
Your domain name registration provider should be more than a domain name clearing house. They should help you manage your domain name with locking and privacy solutions and most of all, help you protect your name and brand, the one you worked so hard to create. Talk to your domain name registration provider to be sure you have done everything you can to protect yourself today!
About the Author: Robert Schwartz has helped thousands secure and manage their Internet identity and is President of LaneChange.net a Total Domain Management solutions provider. Find out more at http://www.LaneChange.net

What?s In A Domain Name?
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Deleted Domains Can Kickstart a New Website
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How To Buy And Sell Domain Names Part Time For Profit Part 2
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Warning: Your Domain Name Could Infringe On Trademark Rights!
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10 Things to Ponder when Picking Your .com
1. Proper names VS Common Names. First of all there are two different kinds of names, proper names (unique words, person, place), or common names (things like cars or cheese.) The types of names that will have good lasting effect on the internet are proper names. Think of some of the biggest sites on the internet, such as yahoo or google, why are they the most popular search engines in the world and not searchengine.com? Simple, the average consumer will group names of things with there .com names. If the names are too similar they get lost in the mix. That is why no one names there car dealership cars. Sure cars are what they sell, but image the conversation, Frank asks "what dealership did you buy your car from?" Jim replies "cars" as you can image it would get really confusing. A lot of dealerships use proper names such as XYZ Motors. That is why a lot of sites such as cars.com aren't doing as well as say vehix.com.
Get Your Own Domain Name Or Die Online
Would you buy from someone with an "@yahoo.com" e-mail address? I wouldn't. And the clients I've had the most trouble with use yahoo addresses or other free addresses. I understand that you don't want your regular e-mail address in ads that your run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but lets use some common sense here.
Your Domain Name, Your Business Address
Would you purchase anything from someone with a "@yahoo.com" or "@hotmail.com" e-mail address? I certainly wouldn't! For starters, people using these e-mail addresses give others the impression that they're not taking their business seriously.
5 Tips For the Perfect Domain Name
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Cheap and Easy Domain Name Registration
Just like any business, your identity is very important. On the World Wide Web, your domain name is your identity. Of course, you can opt for a subdomain name that comes with many free web hosting like http://yourdomain.netfirms.com. But if you are serious about being successful on the Internet, you have to get your own domain name, like http://www.yourdomain.com. Top 10 reasons to have your own domain name Please note that all domain names listed in italic are ficticious: It is cheap and easy to get your own domain name (less than $15/year in most cases) You own the name (as long as you pay the annual fee) You are not dependent on one web hosting company to let you use a subdomain, or worse, a subdirectory Your web site promotion effort does not go to waste if you change your web hosting company (because the domain name remains the same regardless of what host you use) The domain name can be optimized to your business, like www.best-used-cars.com Your web site is more professional The domain name is easier to remember. For instance, www.best-used-cars.com rather than www.geocities.com/web/public/business/auto/best-used-cars/ It is much easier to sell a web site with its own domain name A good domain name can be an asset It is cheap and easy to get your own domain name (this one is worth repeating) How to register for a domain name Please note that all domain names listed in italic are ficticious: Think of appropriate name for that suit the theme of your web site. For instance, an online dating service may find domain name like www.loveconnection.com, more desirable than say www.best-used-cars.com Search for domain name availability. Every domain name registrar will provide you with a search tool; although some search tools are better than other. You will have to do a lot of searches because a lot of domain name that you wish to have is probably already owned by someone else (very common). As you come across available domain names that you like, jot them down. Keep searching until you have about 3-5 different domain names to choose from. Choose a domain name and register it at a domain name ICANN Accredited registrar. Other factors to consider Initially, you will want the .com version of your domain name. If your internet business takes off, you may want to consider registering other first-level domains (i.e., .net) of your domain name and perhaps even similar domain names to prevent mistaken identity Use domain name registrar that will register the domain under your name under all contacts information (perhaps with the exception of technical contact). It should be clear that you own the domain name. Use domain name registrar that provide good online account support. Use automatic domain name renewal if you are planning to own the domain name long-term
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Selecting a Domain Name Registrar - How to Avoid Getting Burned
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We do not always realize that figures are just quantity and can deceive about quality.