One Way Linking Campaigns II
There is a way to generate links with the content that you have not as yet created. For this contact the established authorities (writers, publishers ) in your domain area & let them know that you are available as a resource for researching & writing on any topic from the chosen domain. When they will use you they will credit you for it. Also submit your articles to them. If they ever quote you they will link to you & the added advantage will be that their articles will get published in good places. Imagine an incoming link to your site from TIME or NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
What if you don't have great content writing skills or the necessary expertise. Then do the next best thing. Ask for permission from writers to host their content on your site in exchange from link from it. So, if you are able to create a good selection of articles people will still link to you for a good compilation.
Now to the next step of creating one way links:
Apart from content you can use other free available downloads from your site as the carrot for people to link to you. This free carrot can be a good software tool relating to your domain or an ebook (content again) etc. If people perceive value in what you are offering chance are they will reciprocate by linking to you. Another way to leverage this free download scheme is to get listed in the directories & portals which offer a listing of freeware on the net. Search the SE using keyword freeware directories. Or shareware directories
You can possibly start with
or http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Freeware/Download_Locations/.
Or http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/WWW/Free_Stuff/Link_Pages/.
Or http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Shareware/Directories/
Survey the products & services in your domain. Pick up the good ones & write reviews for it. Then submit those reviews to the concerned site/s. More often then not they will use it while providing a link back to you for the credits.
Another way of getting some links is to hold a contest or host sweepstakes on your site. Once you have this in place get it listed with the directories which offer free contests & games listings. You can search SE for contest directories or start from here
All this is effective when you are creating content or giving something free or reviewing someone elses' offering. However there are ways to create one way links which are different than the abovementioned strategies. This entails leaving your footsteps where ever you go. In simpler terms keep your signature file ready( with a hyperlink) & then post it wherever possible.
Whenever you visit a site, write a comment in the guest book with your signature file.
Post messages on the forums or some chat rooms relating to your topic with hyperlink built in ( check which forums allow that).
Post messages in the usenet newsgroups with hyperlink. For selecting the right newsgroup to send a message you can search with your prime keyword on google groups.
Always remember to have your signature file in your email.
Another way of creating one way incoming links into your site is by either starting an online award category or by participating in an award category.
If you are an award giver the recipient will place your gif file(with hyperlink in it) on his site. If you win an award you will link to the award site & they in turn generally link to you.
Another play is to book additional space/ additional url on any other server & create a small site on it(related to your topic area with some unique content) & link it to the original site. A variation of this is to create a blog ( search SE for blog ) or start here
http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Weblogs/Tools/?tc=1 .
Link this blog to your web site.
Another long winding however effective way to create incoming links is to host affiliate programs or launch banner exchange programs or launch a web ring program from your site. People who will sign up will have links pointing to your site from theirs. However this approach does take time & efforts to bear fruit.
In almost all these variations one of the most important parameters you can control is the anchor text.
These are just some of the methods that you can undertake profitably.
Once you are done with your one way linking campaign, its time to start with reciprocal linking campaigns
Rakesh Ojha is a successful Internet marketer utilizing both pay-per-click marketing and search engine optimization to increase website traffic. To learn more, visit http://sem.mosaic-service.com

Search Engine Optimization Tips For 2005 - Part One
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Part I : Getting Free Hits Using These Simple Tips & Tricks
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