Importance of Keywords in Anchor Text or Title Text
Keywords are indisputably, the single most important element of an anchor text.
First of all, for those who are still learning the ropes let us define an anchor text. Anchor Text is also called Title Text. It is a clickable statement or text on a webpage, which takes you to another page or website.It is a link to another site or page.
The question is what should be considered an ideal anchor text? Since it is an invitation, it should be able to draw attention. It should ideally be self explanatory also. By looking at Anchor Text, one should be be able to figure out where one is going to land. Anchor texts within the site (i.e. links which take you from one page of the site to another) also should be chosen carefully
Make sure your Anchor text has your main keywords as part of text. It needn't sound like a bunch of keywords put together. And, according expert optimizers, one should keep changing one's anchor text once in two-three weeks. Especially Google looks for such change and development. Your anchor text on other sites with your main keyword will help you move up that much faster. Anchor text thus is a very important element of SEO.
The author is Purva Mewar, webmaster of Work at Home Based Business websites, http://www.yesearnfromhome.com and http://www.work-at-home-earn-extra-income.com

Does Google Hire Mad Scientists?
Online search giant, Google, often tests the waters for new services by rolling out a "beta" (first) version of an idea to gauge public reaction.
Search Engine Optimization Strategies To Drive More Targeted Traffic To Your Website
Want to drive more targeted traffic to your web site?
10 Minutes to Your Google Sitemap
Google's calling your name...
Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 2: Content Creation
Welcome to part two in this search engine optimization series. In part one we covered the importance and tactics for choosing the keywords and keyword phrases that will provide the highest ROI for your optimization efforts. In part two we will discuss how to properly write content for high search engine positioning.
Does The Number Of Links On A Page Affect Ranking?
Lots of research has focused on inbound links to a site, but little has focused on the number of links actually on a page (outbound or to other parts of a site). Many SEO gurus have recently been talking about something they call "PR Leak" which seems to be a theory that the more outbound links you have, the more your page rank on Google "leaks" away. That concept isn't found in the academic papers published by the founders of Google, but does seem to be accepted by a majority of SEOs. I decided it was time to take a look at the number of links present on a page and how that number correlates with ranking.
Beyond Search Engines
Some webmasters report that search engines account for 75% or more of their total website traffic. However, it's important not to become too dependent on search engines for new business. Achieving a top listing from a major search engine is becoming more and more difficult over time. The competition for top spots is intense and it's getting harder every day to get listed at all. Also more and more search engines are moving to a pay-per-click model, and paying for top listings may not be in your budget.
What Makes The Perfect SEO Firm?
SEO companies come in all shapes and sizes. You've got your solo SEOs that either a) do everything themselves and/or b) sub-contract out many aspects of each campaign while maintaining a tight control on the quality and results of the project. Then you have your big SEO firms that employ 20+ employees that handle various aspects of your account. These firms can often turn into SEO factories and can lack the ability to treat each client individually, because everything is done in bulk.
Optimize Your Site Pt1
Listed here you will find the five of the most important points to remember when optimising your site and individual pages for the search engines.
All About Google
If you read The Search Engine Showdown, you know Google is my favourite search engine. Why? Google always offers the most results for any given search (they currently have over 8 billion pages indexed), it's faster than the Audi Quattro we test drove this morning, and 9 times out of ten, in my experience, all the front page results are relevant to my search. In fact, I usually find what I'm looking for within the first few sites listed. I also really respect the fact that two college kids started it (kinda like Abalone Designs!) and that those two college kids seem not to have forgotten where they came from. If you check out the images at Google's press center (http:// www.google.com/press/images.html) and scroll down to the Everyday Life Inside Google section, you'll get a feeling that life at Google is fun.
SEO -- Tips to Optimize Your Webpage to Compete for a High Ranking
Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important to websites. If you rank high in search engines, your website are shown to a huge number of target users.
A Simple 4 Step Approach To Have Google Crawl Your Site Today Guaranteed!
Extra, Extra Google Now Gives you feedback. By Creating a Google Sitemap using free online tools you can get Google to crawl your site within 24 Hours. As an Added bonus after Google Crawls your site they give you feedback about any problems they encountered. To take advantage of this amazing service from yahoo just follow these 4 simple steps.
Keyword Targeting Strategy In Your Site
Once the keywords have been decided for the site one has to come up with a strategy to target those keywords across the site. Here is a primer on that.
Google Love - Five Top Tips To Make Google Love Your Site
1. Google love ...
Alert Marketing - Get Google Search Results By E-mail
Sometimes our jobs as marketers means we need to look beyond the obvious. Google, for example, offers their Google Alerts service. At first glance, this may seem most useful to companies who want to track certain searches within their industry, or to hobbyists who want to stay on top of changes in their topics of interest.
Search Engine Optimization :: The Basics and Why Websites Need It
We all know that the most targeted traffic we can get for our websites is from search engines. If you have a little patience and time to set websites the right way you can have a great source of excellent traffic and, best of all, you get it for free.
Duplicate Content Penalty - How to Lose Google Ranking Fast!
Duplicate content penalty. Ever heard of it? This penalty is applied by Google and possibly other search engines when content found on your website is largely the same as what is found elsewhere on your site or on other websites across the internet.
How Do I Improve My Web Site Conversion Rate? Part 2
Question 1
The Reality of Search Engine Submissions
Over the last few months, search engine submissions have changed dramatically. Now is the time to analyze the way we're submitting our Web pages and to rethink our submission strategies.
The Search Engine Showdown
If you're anything like me, you have a favourite search engine and you're loyal to it. You never use any others (which made this research difficult for yours truly), insist yours is the be-all and end-all and you even go so far as to deny any shortcomings it may have. But is your search engine truly the best? Inspired by a great article at the BBC News (BBC News: Search Wars), we decided to compare the major search engines. Here's what we found.
The Business Case for SEO
It's interesting how potential clients have preconceived notions about which aspects of search engine marketing have the most value. In fact, they tend to fall into two camps that are 180° apart. The first camp believes completely in the value of pay-per-click marketing (PPC). It's easy to understand why. PPC provides immediate and measurable benefits. The ROI of PPC marketing is obvious. This group doesn't understand why it's necessary "to bother" doing SEO. The second camp believes the only way to go is SEO. Clicks are free and the branding benefits of high rankings have been well documented.