Designing a Better System for Search Engines
Designing a Better System for Search Engines and Information Distribution, information and knowledge are power. Having run out of things to study today, I thought about Researching and Research. Here are some observations on R and R. If you owned a body shop that would be remove and replace. For many Americans it is rest and relaxation, but for Wash Guys it is now researching Research (ing) and/or (ers). I believe that Search engines are getting better as that business model continues to perform before, during and after the Internet Bubble. However I believe they can do better.
Having used many search engines and multi-engines like Copernic.com and Alexa and Dog Pile for research I see some great benefits. Also knowing the similar search words without having to type them into the engine is benefit. I am impressed with the work of this group. They are improving the ability to retrieve information on the Internet will be the key to online learning and research. For instance here is one idea to be looked into, this is a good idea;
It is essential that search engines do well for those looking to find things, like a library catalog system like Dewey Decimal of the past. We need a good system for kids learning, scientists doing research and people like me who just like to do personal research or business research to better serve the customer and common good. I wanted to highlight the benefits of these new studies and possibilities to increase information flow and assist the worldly knowledge. Ongoing education is important, otherwise that muscle we call the brain will go flat.
With fuzzy logic and algorithms and tons of terabytes to search thru with all the data collection of the NSA and all the new technologies like 3G cell phones, video phones, etc. Searching thru the data and getting to the small pieces to solve the puzzle to catch international terrorists or for research needed to propel the human race we need to be thinking here. Especially since Search Engines are mostly for profit and with Google now a public company with shareholders they will want returns and that means profits and shareholders equity come before optimum searches.
With Microsoft integrating their Longhorn and Browser in the latest Windows with an upgraded searching feature and allowing the surfer greater waves and a better board search engine technologies probably rank way up there with a cure for AIDS, Cancer and Auto Safety. Because with increased collaboration we will get to all those others much faster, it has been proven, we are in the middle of a time warp where humankind will in fact hyperspace our evolution and the possibilities for life expectancy, curing diseases and what have you may in fact become reality within our generation, are you ready? Absolutely, but we do need some more tools to make it so, a search engine which can match our needs would sure be a wonderful gift to our species at this point within this present period.
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs

High Search Engine Rankings - A Long Term Strategy
The last 1.5 years have shown major changes in search engine behavior across the board. Algorithms change at random dates. Websites that ranked great in search results are suddenly completely wiped out from the search index. It becomes less and less predictable what a certain change to your website will get for results. A major change to a website or the way how it is promoted could have a major impact on search engine success for that website.
Why Optimize Your Site For Search Engines?
Sometimes a search engine optimization company will miss that glaring question posed by potential clients and assume the benefits of search engine optimization are obvious to everyone. While shelling out a couple thousand on an SEO campaign is common sense to some, others may find it hard to part with the cash unless they know it is an investment in their business that is sure to bring a good return.
Top 5 Search Engine Optimization Mistakes
There are a lot of ways to promote your website and, unfortunately, a lot of these methods are mistakes. Here is a list of some of the more common mistakes (often referred to as Black Hat SEO) that you should steer well clear of.
HTML Title Tags Dictate Your Rankings
There are a lot of things in Search Engine Optimization when done to your site that can increase you rankings. But one aspect that always comes up and that always affects your rankings in a huge way is altering the title tag.
PageRank for Websites: Is There More to the Web?
Google's PageRank has been around for years, and in the opinions of a lot of e-business owners, it can make or break a site. Lately, with Google's fingers in every pie, it seems important to remind everyone that there is more to a website than just PageRank. PageRank is a term that relates to the algorithm that Google uses to rank a website in its search engine. Coined by Larry Page, one of the engineers of Google, PageRank has come to mean so much to webmasters and SEO's that it dictates how we market a website. But let me coin a few terms of my own. (Or, borrow them from others, perhaps?) And while some of these concepts are included in the PageRank algorithm themselves, it's often helpful to be reminded that there are many factors that a webmaster should concentrate on, and not just one overwhelming aspect. It bothers me that Google's toolbar's PageRank indicator "measures the IMPORTANCE" of a page; important to them, perhaps, especially in light of the release of the Google Toolbar for Firefox on July 7th. But lack of PageRank doesn't mean that your site isn't important. So how do you let the search engines, Google in particular, know that? This article is a collection of the phrases that indicate the behavior of search engines today.
7 Essential SEO techniques
1) Title Tag ? When we're talking about SEO Technique, the Title tag is one of the best and most powerful tags that you can use. Every page should have it's own title tag, each tag should include the keyword that you are targeting, along with sub-keywords associated with the main keyword that you seek to drive traffic from.
DIY SEO - Part 2 Tags n Things
Part 2 Tips 4 tags
Search Engine Optimization Tips For 2005 - Part One
Anybody who has their own website or is involved in business online understands the importance of SEO or search engine optimization. Higher rankings equal more traffic. More traffic equals more potential sales. Simple, eh? Or is it?
Linking Strategies to Skyrocket to the Top of Google
If you don't know already, one of the key success factors to getting loads of free Google traffic to your website is increasing page rank. So just how do you increase your page rank? Well, it's all in the linking.
Does The Number Of Links On A Page Affect Ranking?
Lots of research has focused on inbound links to a site, but little has focused on the number of links actually on a page (outbound or to other parts of a site). Many SEO gurus have recently been talking about something they call "PR Leak" which seems to be a theory that the more outbound links you have, the more your page rank on Google "leaks" away. That concept isn't found in the academic papers published by the founders of Google, but does seem to be accepted by a majority of SEOs. I decided it was time to take a look at the number of links present on a page and how that number correlates with ranking.
SEO Basics - 8 Key Strategies For Online Business Success
The world of search engine optimization (SEO) can be a big scary place for newbies. Most SEO professional companies charge astronomical prices that may or may not guarantee success.
What Makes The Perfect SEO Firm?
SEO companies come in all shapes and sizes. You've got your solo SEOs that either a) do everything themselves and/or b) sub-contract out many aspects of each campaign while maintaining a tight control on the quality and results of the project. Then you have your big SEO firms that employ 20+ employees that handle various aspects of your account. These firms can often turn into SEO factories and can lack the ability to treat each client individually, because everything is done in bulk.
Ranked #1 at Google for Invisible Entrepreneurs But No Traffic?
I am ranked #1 for that silly phrase at Google. So What?
No Cost Search Engine Marketing
As a matter of fact, I recommend NOT wasting money on pay inclusion in most cases because it doesn't offer enough of an advantage (and many times the fees give you absolutely no advantage - the only exception are the few sites that guarantee placement within a specific timeline). Focus your online marketing and gain positive and targeted traffic without paying out for "expedited listings" or "submission software."
The Secret Benefit Of Search Engine Optimisation: Increased Usability
A higher search ranking is what many website owners dream of. What they don't realise is that by optimising their site for the search engines, if done correctly, they can also optimise it for their site visitors.
Search Engine Marketing: Choosing Keyword Phrases
Selecting the right keyword phrases is the key to a successful search engine marketing campaign.
When Google PR Tool Bar is Down!
Where is the need to worry? Who needs a PR Tool Bar Anyway!
Search Engines: Tips and Strategies on Getting Listed and Ranking High for Newbies
You've got a website. You've put countless hours into it, tweaking the look and feel and making sure all the links work. The bad news is there are a gazillion other websites out there. The good news is there are many things you can control to make sure your site isn't lost in the morass of dot coms.
7 Simple Steps to Spy on Your Online Competition and Acheive a High Page Rank
My Grandfather ran a small Grocery Store and when you would ask him a Question about his Business he would laugh and reply does Macy's Tell Gimbel's. (At the Time Gimbel's was a major Competitor of Macy's in the New York Department Store Market.) Well if Macy's were on the Internet back then they could be telling Gimbel's a lot. If Gimbel's knew which tool's to use and what steps to take to 'spy' on Macy's.
Directories and Their Importance for Search Engine Rankings
About directories: