Search Engine Optimization for Dummies
Lets face it. Search Engines rule the World Wide Web today. Anytime you want to look up some information or a product you want to buy, you put the relevant keyword in the search field of a major SE like Google. And Violá! The efficient little engine throws up pages and pages of website URLs which carry your keyword.
SEO has become the most popular and the most effective strategy for increasing website traffic today. It gives you more exposure, pulls in more qualified visitors and helps you substantially increase your income. So, if you are a home based business owner with a serious web presence you would know the importance of attracting quality traffic to your website. Among all the strategies and tactics you can employ to attract focused web traffic to your site, optimising your website to get in top SE rankings is the most important. However to keep your rankings that way you have to be on top of what is happening in the SE industry. To understand how search engines work, spend some time at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/0,4621,316408,00.html
Here are some great ways to optimize your site to get to the top of the SE rankings and stay that way:
- Domain name: Putting your keyword in your domain name is both most obvious and the most important. But take care to put it in the root of the URL, not in the stem?that could SE s angry and do you more harm than good.
- Title tags:
in the title tags of your source code - Meta description: In the Meta description of your site.
- Meta keyword tags
Now lets look at some of the most common mistakes that can prove to be the undoing of your website.
- The number 1 mistake is not putting enough CONTENT. Your website must have keyword ?rich content that adds value to the visitors' info search. Without meaningful content your visitors can click out just as easily only to never come back again.
- Using frames is a technique that makes the Webmaster's life easy but can easily prove to be a major put off for SE s. SE s may find it difficult to move around in frames and will fail to include all of the pages in their list. These missed out pages will never show up to the people who are looking for them and defeat the whole purpose of your exercise.
- Enclosing text in graphics is another technique used by web designers to give the website an even, uniform look for every visitor. Unfortunately, SE s cannot differentiate between a photo in a graphic and text in a graphic. Hence they will overlook it. There you go again! Beat this problem by putting the real information in plain text that search engines can recognize.
Being visible the Internet is the first step to being found on the Internet.
So take advantage of these proven success tips and avoid the traps that will make your rankings fall down in the SE abyss. What you'll be left with is a great website ranking bringing in focused qualified visitors to help you boost your sales.
For more information check out these websites:
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