Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones!
Searching online can not only be fun, but you sometimes need to be downright inventive.
For those of you who have been searching online for years now, you've probably adapted ways & techniques to find what you are looking for quickly.
Unfortunately when it comes to promoting your site, nothing out there is classified as a quick fix. If people say it's a quick fix, it probably has a major risk attached to it.
Your ultimate goal when promoting your site should be to acquire some of those "Big" search terms online! For example, "Marketing Tips" or "Marketing" in general. The only way to ever come close to the Big Dogs is to start small. Increase the search term and decrease your competition.
Here's an example of this, let's use "Marketing". Wow, what a powerful search term, but someone has to get it, right?
As of today, June 1st, 2004, if you search for "Marketing" you will get 72,700,000 results found within Google. That's a tough one.
Going further, let's add "Marketing Tips", you get: 7,560,000 results found.
Going a little further now, let's add "Web Marketing Tips", you'll get around: 5,760,000 results found.
Let's go beyond that for our final search, let's add "Web Site Marketing Tips", you'll get: 4,940,000 results found.
Now take a good look at all those search terms, what do you see right in the middle??? You got it, that oh so powerful term called "Marketing"!
Are you starting to see the value of targeting larger search terms? (Larger meaning more words attached to it).
Eventually as time goes on, once you've done your due-dilligence and worked hard at targeting these larger search terms, search engines will start rewarding your site with much smaller and more difficult terms to acquire.
Another way to accomplish this is to target your local market 1st. Instead of targeting "Web Site Marketing Tips" as a whole, you can target "Marketing In Hamilton, Ontario".
By targeting the area you live in, you not only target your local market 1st, but you also setup your web site for success in the future market, which ultimately, is the rest of the world!
Let's just say I was to remove "Ontario" from that search term "Marketing In Hamilton, Ontario", how many cities are named "Hamilton" ??? Many more than you think!
So in conclusion:
Don't be afraid to work for your key phrases and set your web site up for success by targeting larger key phrases to increase your chances of better search engine placements. In the end, you'll receive what you've been after all along, more exposure for your enterprise!
I hope you enjoyed the article!
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About The Author
Martin Lemieux
Smartads - Affordable Web Solutions
http://www.smartads.info & http://www.smartads.ca
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