How to Get the Ranking You Always Wanted!
Is your web site well ranked (In the top ten search results) in the results? If not, you need to read this and get the ranking you always dreamed of getting with your web site! I will show you how to get your web site a top ten ranking in the search engines with these few easy-to-do steps.
Site Design - The web site's structure will decide how the spiders read your web site and the speed of them indexing the web pages. There should be more text content then HTML content. You should avoid programs such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver. Such programs will add coding that isn't necessary and also they may add coding errors. The pages should validate and be usable in all of todays leading browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, etc.). Also look at your web site in a text browser, this will give you good idea of what the spiders see and if it can work with a text browser, it can work with just about any other browser.
Stay away from using Java, Flash, Java script, scripting such as that can trap the spiders, which will result in them not to index your content. Go external with scripting languages if you need them that bad, use something such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Your web site should respond almost instantly to requests. If you get into 3 to 4 seconds delay until it loads, you need to cut down on the images and overall web page size. Keep the web page under 20k if at all possible, but keep it at least at 5k. Don't use frames, neither the visitors nor the search engines like it and shouldn't be used for any reason.
Content - Web pages should have 200 to 1500 words. Put your target keywords in bold, underline, heading and italics text. Spiders reads web pages top to bottom and they also know that the main keyword should appear in the first few sentences. Which means your targeted keywords should appear high on the page, within the first few words, also they should be in the middle and towards the end of the articles. The keyword density should be between 5 and 15%, but don't lose sleep over it, just make sure you get a density of 5%.
Meta and Title Tags - Meta tags are thought by many SEO experts to have little impact, If any at all, but it's still recommended, just in case it's still a factor. The description tag is still sometimes used in the search engines as description of the web site, so try to be creative and describe your web page's content and not just for the search engines, but for the visitors as well. Also remember not to use the same description tag for each web page, some search engines may think the page is too much like the other pages and end up banning you.
You should place your top keywords in keyword tag, keep it to 5 to 15, make sure your most important keyword appears first though. The title tag is very important part of the web page. Both the search engines and visitors will see this, so be smart and creative with it. Try to have your most important keyword to appear first and keep it short, there isn't any need for 20 or 30 words to appear in the title tag.
Links - Look around your keyword sector in DMOZ or Yahoo!, you will find many web sites that are useful to your visitors and to your ranking. Try to exchange links with one web site a day. Almost every topic has an on-topic directory, go submit to them. Don't forget DMOZ, Yahoo! or other big name directories. When you receive requests for link exchanges, check the site out before giving the OK. Check to see if they are using any spam techniques and make sure they are listed in the search engines. Also make sure it's a web site similar to your web site's topic.
One way backlinks are the best backlinks a web site can get because most reciprocal link exchanges are only for link popularity and search engines are aware of this growing problem. But they are hard to get, one way to get them is by buying them or an other is by writing articles and allowing others to use them on their own web site for content, along with a link back to your web site.
Insite Cross Links - Link to on topic content across your web site. If a web page is about games, then make sure it links to PS2 games and Xbox games web page. Web pages shouldn't be no more then 3 clicks away from the home page. They should be close to the root as possible.
Submission - Once you have insured you have done all the above, you can submit to the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN and Ask Jeeves. Really, if you get enough backlinks you won't need to submit to any of them and instead they will find you. There is some debate that submitting to the search engines instead of letting them find you can hurt your ranking, so you may choose to sit back and let them find you. Also note, that by submitting will not speed it up any and in fact the fastest way to get in the index, is by getting backlinks.
Matt Colyer began as a SEO Specialist in 1997. He founded Superior Webmaster in 2004 as a source of articles and tutorials for Web site owners looking to improve their Web site.

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