Easy SEO in 6 Simple Steps
If you want to increase traffic to your website and better your search engine positioning, here is an easy 6 step process that will enable you to do so.
1. Get a free blog.
Go to blogger.com and sign up for a free account.
2. Link your website to your blog.
In your blog template, add a link to your website. Also, set up your blog so there is a link field in every post. Set this field to link to your website. Thus, every post will contain a link at the bottom of the post to your main website.
3. Write 3 articles each week.
Even better would be one article each day (5/week), but 3 each week is a great start. Each article only needs to be 300 words, so you don't need a major essay. Just write an opening sentence, expound on that sentence in three short paragraphs, and conclude your post with a restatement of your opening sentence, reworded just slightly. Then, post your article to your blog.
4. Submit your article to EzineArticles.com.
Doing this will enable your article to be indexed by Google. This is very good for you, because once your article is indexed at Google, a backlink to your website will be generated for you. This will result in better search engine positioning and more traffic for you.
5. Submit your article to GoArticles.com.
There is software available that searches Go Articles for articles in specific niches and genres. These articles are then pulled by the software and put on websites. This generates more backlinks and exposure for you, and builds traffic to your main website.
6. Keep this process going.
Make a commitment to write one article each day, post it to your blog, and submit it to EzineArticles.com and GoArticles.com.
Following these 6 simple steps will increase both your traffic and search engine positioning.
Jeremy M. Hoover is an online freelance writer who writes promotional and content articles for website owners. Each article is $15, or you can buy 5 articles for $50. If you need articles, contact Jeremy at his website, http://www.jhooverwebcopy.com
Read more marketing articles by Jeremy at his blog, http://www.jhooverwebcopy.blogspot.com

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