How To Select The Right Keywords
Keyword Selection
The most important component of search engine optimization is keyword selection. Search engines use key words and phrases to find and rank websites. The crawler or spider-based search engines, so called because they sift through websites and add them to their databases, sort through millions of websites by following an algorithm, or set of rules.
The algorithms for the various search engines are not exactly the same (which is why a search of the same keyword brings different results). However, they follow very similar processes. Most of the search engines rank websites based on where and how often a particular keyword is used on the website. They will rank a website higher if, for example, the keyword is used in the title, placed near the top of the page, and if it is used often.
Choosing the right keyword or phrase and placing it properly is an art that is refined through practice and trial-and-error. In the e-market, time is money and competition is fierce. Your business cannot afford to languish while you get up to speed on the latest SEO technology. The use of a good e-marketing professional makes good economic sense.
Keyword Expertise Now
Valiss has the SEO expertise you need now. We know how to get the best results in the shortest amount of time. With Valiss, the keyword selection process is quick and efficient. Your search engine utilization is maximized to bring more visitors to your site who are interested in what you have to say or sell.

Search Engine Rankings for Beginners
Search engine optimization is best left in the mystical land of the Intenet Marketing Guru right? Good Search engine rankings are tough to achieve. Understanding search engine marketing takes years of studying and only people with true insider knowledge and secret tools rank well in Google right? WRONG. Pure crap as a matter of fact.
How To Boost Your Keyword Density On Your Web Site To Gain Top Positions At The Search Engines
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Google Groups
Some very early users of the Internet - not the worldwide web as we know it today - but the Internet from the early 1980s, will have heard of, and likely used, Usenet. This was the collective name applied to text-based electronic bulletin boards that were used to communicate in the days before the web and email existed, and that are still in use today. The Usenet posts were first collected and organized for worldwide web use in 1995, by a company called Deja News. In 2001, Google bought Deja News and applied their considerable search expertise to Usenet posts. The result is Google Groups.
3.5 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming The Next Search Engine Outlaw
Tip 1 - Hide And Seek
Search Engines Are Doomed to Fail
A very provocative title, isn't it? Based on the latest news it is not far from the truth. Over the years the search engines were the target number one on the hunt for visitors and traffic to millions of web sites. In an attempt to keep the search results accurate and still delivering what the user is actually looking for, search engines cracked down on spammers and other sneaky web masters who wanted to beat the system with some very innovative tricks.
Whats with the Competition? Ever Heard of Cooperation?
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Link Popularity: Why Its The Best Investment You Can Do For Your Business
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Website Optimization, Good Overall Optimization is Key
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Search Engine Optimization: Get the Low-down
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Five Ways To Win The Favor Of Search Engines
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Search Engine Traffic Domination - How to Turn the Search Engines into Your 24/7 Salesmen
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See No Google, Hear No Google, Speak No Google
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Creating a Google SiteMap For Your Work At Home Business Web Page
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PageRank and How It Gets Assigned
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7 Search Engine Optimization Strategy
Search engine optimization refers to the technique of making your web pages search engine friendly so that search engines are more easy to understand and analyze your website. Consequently, your site has a better chance to gain high search engine ranking.
What is PageRank?
Chances are you have been on the Internet and have been surfing in and out of websites looking for valuable information pertaining to a favorite topic or researching a subject for school or work. As you type in keyword(s) you match the information you are searching for on Google, you come up with 10,000 pages of information. It's virtually impossible to go through every one, so you refine your search by adding more exclusive keywords. Voila the number of pages reduces to around 1,000. Still this is a lot of pages, but you start looking through the information to find what you want.
Are Your Keywords Making Money for You?
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Question 1.