Even More Tips For Getting A Top 10 Search Engine Ranking!
I have spent some time discussing the 5 different options you have for getting your web site listed in the search engines. Just to make sure that we're all on the same page, let's quickly review?
1. Use A Free Submission Service: As you'll recall, I do NOT recommend that you use a free submission service because they submit the exact same information to all of the search engines, destroying your chances of ever getting that top ranking position you deserve.
Each search engine has a different rule book (a different set of "algorithms") that it uses to evaluate your web site - so submitting the SAME information to all of the search engines is pointless!
2. Use A Low-Cost Automated Submission Service: The only real difference between the low-cost automated submission services and the free submission services is that the low-cost ones will charge you about $40 to $80 to submit the same information to all of the search engines. Like I've already said, this is pointless! While your site may get submitted to as many as 900+ search engines, you'll be lucky if it appears in the top 100 listings, never mind the top 10!
3. Do It Yourself Manually: If you have the time and the patience, this is one of the best ways to submit your web site to the search engines. You study the rules of each search engine and then visit each one individually to manually submit the information for each page you wish to have listed.
Obviously, the two drawbacks to this strategy are that it can be a lot of work and there are no professionals looking over your shoulder to make sure you're doing everything right. But if you have the time, it can be a good option.
4. Use A Professional Search Engine Consultant: The advantages of using a professional are obvious - you get the advice and assistance of experts who work hand-in-hand with you to make sure you get the top ranking position your web site needs. But the drawback to this strategy is equally obvious - the cost can be pretty high.
5. Use Submission Software: If you're going to use software to submit your web site to the search engines, then I can't stress enough the importance of making sure that it will prepare an individual submission form for each search engine you will be submitting to. Most of the software out there does the same thing the free submission services do, so it's useless. The ONLY submission software that I recommend is SubmitWolf Pro.
Now this is why the e-mail started pouring in.....
It seems that many of you had questions about whether or not the SubmitWolf Pro software submits your web site to the directories (i.e. Yahoo! and Looksmart)? some of you were skeptical about whether or not search engine submission software could actually get you a top ranking position when it does everything automatically? and MANY of you wrote to ask why we didn't mention another highly regarded software, WebPosition Gold.
Knowing that for every person who e-mails me with questions like these, there are hundreds more of you who are silently wondering the same thing, I've decided to do two things in this article. First I want to clear up any confusion by answering your questions.
I know the sheer volume of information about search engines can be pretty overwhelming. So I'm going to do my best to condense things down into this one short, understandable article!
Know If Your Web Site Is Slipping In Rank - And If Your Competition Is Sneaking Up From Behind.....
Make no mistake, submitting your web site to the search engines is only half the battle! Next, you'll need to turn your attention to monitoring and maintaining your position. You need to ensure that your competition doesn't outrank you and that your site doesn't begin slipping down the ranks! And this is where software like WebPosition Gold can come in really handy?
Monitoring your ranking in the top 10 search engines - for each page you've submitted and for each keyword you've submitted under - is almost impossible if you're trying to do it all by yourself.
Let me explain by visually doing the math for you. This should help make things a bit clearer...
**Let's say that you're marketing 2 products.
**And let's say that you want to maximize and monitor your ranking in the top 10 search engines.
**For each product, you have a list of 15 keywords and phrases you want to be listed under.
So this means that you have:
2 products X 15 keywords for each product X 10 search engines = 300 positions to monitor!
Yipe! Who has time to check 300 positions? I know I sure don't! This would take days of effort, and you haven't even done checks on where your competitors rank yet! But if you want the search engine traffic, you need to stay on top of your rankings and you need to know when your competition has outranked you so that you can take corrective action!
Really, the only solution to this is automation. And that's what I highly recommend you use WebPosition Gold for.
WebPosition Gold will ensure that you don't neglect your search engine positioning? and that you don't lose this important source of traffic! It automatically generates reports that will show you exactly where your web site ranks in each search engine under specific keywords, keyword combinations, and search phrases, so you can make improvements, correct problems, and increase your web site's traffic.
Plus, it can save you hours of work every week by monitoring where your competitors are ranked in relation to you, alerting you of any problems.
If one of your web pages has been gradually slipping down the rankings, you can quickly identify the problem and correct it. Without WebPosition Gold's powerful reports, you have no way of knowing a problem even exists? until your site traffic slows down and you start losing sales, that is!
As I have made available this invaluable information to everyone free of cost, visit our website http://www.hostforwebsite.com [$0.75/month & Get Un-Limit Movies, MP3 Songs, Games, TV Shows on your PC!] Industry Lowest Price! Unbeatable Website Hosting Features!
Final Thoughts:
Look. If you are really serious about search engine positioning, then you should know that, together, SubmitWolf Pro and WebPosition Gold make a killer team that can dramatically increase your ranking. I highly recommend this software duo to anyone who wants to funnel traffic to their web site via the search engines.
It would be impossible for you to manually do the crucial marketing tasks that WebPosition Gold and SubmitWolf Pro do automatically - it would just take you far too long to be cost effective.
Sure you might be able to manually submit your web site to a handful of search engines? But 150? And give each one exactly what it needs? Plus, there's no way you'll convince me that you have time to monitor and maintain hundreds of different rankings and pages and still run a profitable business.
You know me and how strongly I believe in automating everything - leaving you free to grow your business and look after more profitable promotions. I don't want you to get caught in the trap of running your business when you could be growing it!
Ash Kawa has written hundreds of articles specializing in helping people succeed when the competition is tough. President of a successful Website Hosting Company http://www.hostforwebsite.com [$0.75/month & Get Un-Limit Movies, MP3 Songs, Games, TV Shows on your PC!]

Website Optimization, Good Overall Optimization is Key
Good overall optimization, the right keyword phrases and quality content play the key roles in the success of any web design project. Link Popularity and Google PageRank are almost secondary for the overall success of a website.
The Matrix Help For Keyphrase Analysis
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Basics to Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization popularly known as SEO.
How to Verify and Monitor Your Search Engine Listing on Google?
Being listed in search engines and ranked high on searches is the overall goal a webmaster is trying to achieve when dealing with search engines. Search engine optimization is probably one of the most commonly used words among webmasters. In the Internet market becoming much more critical to business success this is almost natural.
Beat Google?s Dampening Link Filter with SEO Articles
Most Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts agree that links back to your site have a great impact on your ranking in the major search engines. Think of it like an election; your site is a candidate and every link to your site is a vote. Of course, it was never quite that simple (high ranking, relevant sites have more voting power) but now it may have gotten even more complicated.
Google, Adsense, SEO, and How It All Works
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Non-Reciprocal Link Building For Higher Search Engine Positioning
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Stay In The Know With Google SMS
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Search Engine Optimization With Sitemaps
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Fix Your OffPage!
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SEOs Relationship With Website Architecture
SEO's Relationship With Website Architecture
So, Where Has Your Search Engine Been Today?
Visit Google, Yahoo, MSN or one of the lesser search engines, and you get a few million results for just about any search term. Despite this impressive depth of results, most users consider only a few of the WebPages being pointed to. A lot of research indicates that most searchers exit search engine result pages to visit one of the top three results. That raises the question: What about the remaining million plus results?
Search Engine Optimization Tips For 2005 - Part Two
Welcome to the second part of our series of articles on search engine optimization. In the previous article we discussed keywords, domain names, content and keyword density issues. This article moves past that to the nitty gritty of improving your web pages and website for better search engine rankings.
The Search Engine Optimization Game Is Getting Tricky
For more than 4 years now I have been modifying my work from home based web sites trying to optimize for the major search engines, Especially Goggle. Today with much disappointment I have come to the realization that search engine traffic alone will not make me rich. Yes my search engine rankings are now worse today than when I started 4 years ago.
SEO Tips for Google
Getting a high ranking on Google is a big achievement. There are many factors that go into pulling a high page rank. I have put together a small list of things that should not be overlooked when optimizing your site. Let's start from the top:
Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy: Make Love, Not War
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What Makes The Perfect SEO Firm?
SEO companies come in all shapes and sizes. You've got your solo SEOs that either a) do everything themselves and/or b) sub-contract out many aspects of each campaign while maintaining a tight control on the quality and results of the project. Then you have your big SEO firms that employ 20+ employees that handle various aspects of your account. These firms can often turn into SEO factories and can lack the ability to treat each client individually, because everything is done in bulk.
Link Popularity
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Search Engine Optimization Strategies To Drive More Targeted Traffic To Your Website
Want to drive more targeted traffic to your web site?
What are My Chances to Get the First Place in Search Engine Listings?
You must have heard the stories how people became rich and famous with their websites. How could they achieve this? Their websites took a first position in search engine listings targeting popular keywords. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! To be honest, chances for a regular small business website to get to the top of the search engine listings are close to zero and each day they become smaller and smaller as a number of new and old websites grows.