Search Engine Success & The Google-Vision Secret
Want to know the secret to great search engine listings? Ignore Google.
No, I'm not crazy.
Have you ever seen a horse plodding down the road wearing blinders? A lot of people see the road to good search engine listings the same way. With blinders on. They can't see anything but Google. Google is number one. They obsess on Google. They desperately want to get a good listing in Google.
That is crazy. True Google-Vision requires removing the blinders.
If you do a Google search for "Google Marketshare" you'll find some interesting numbers.
- comScore Networks says Google has 36.9% of the search market.
- eMedia says 45.85%.
- Search View agrees with eMedia.
Do you know what that means? It means that if you're obsessed with Google, you're not seeing over half the searchers on the Internet. That's pretty crazy, too.
The top four search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL. Ignore Google. Ignore Yahoo, too. Trust me on this.
MSN loves content and they prefer a relatively flat hierarchy to your site. For example;
Each slash (/) represents another level in your file hierarchy. Less is more.
Make sure you have great content on your site. Submit to MSN. Then submit to AllTheWeb.com. Once you've done those two, submit some articles to article directories. Yes, just like this one.
When you've done all the above, submit just your main page to dMoz.org. Read their policies very, very carefully first. You do not want to make the submission wrong and get rejected. dMoz feeds AOL search, and you know how many members AOL has... They're like the McDonalds of ISPs.
Then, keep an eye on your website stats program. Odds are, one day you'll log in and see a little visitor named Googlebot. It works almost every time.
See, Google doesn't like websites that exaggerate their importance, stuff pages with keywords or cheat their algorithm to attempt to get to the top. Even on their website, they state that they examine the entire web when calculating results.
Looking at the web as a whole, instead of focusing on Google is true Google-Vision. It's how Google looks at the web, and it's how you need to look at the web, too.
When you stop obsessing on Google, and start working on providing good content to the rest of the Internet, Google will find you. In my experience, Yahoo won't be too far behind.
LindaCaroll.com clients have been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, People Magazine & more. You can get great results, too. Start with the free email course, at Google-This.com or enjoy the discounts for Ezine Article readers
This article may be reprinted in full as long as you include a live credit link to LindaCaroll.com or Google-This.com.

Easy Web Tips
How can you be found on the web?
Article Marketing: Fox in the Competitor Hen House or Chicken Little?
I recently was asked by an author to remove a free content article from a client web site where we had posted it (with several others from different authors) to increase topical relevancy at a site that fit the article perfectly.
How to Create Killer Keywords to Get FREE Traffic to Your Website
When exploring good keyword choices there are several steps one must consider. The most important step is putting your self in the shoes of the type of customer you want to target. Just make a list of the keywords or phrases you think that customer would enter into a search engine or directory when searching for your company or site. A good tool is WordTracker.com which will help you brainstorm different key phrases. Ask friends and associates which words they would use to search for your site on the internet, if they were looking for a site similar to yours.
Googles Next Big Move
November 2003 might go down in history as the month that Google shook a lot of smug webmasters and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists from the apple tree. But more than likely, it was just a precursor of the BIG shakeup to come.
Link Popularity Pitfalls
As we all know Google uses their PageRank technology to measure link popularity by counting the number of inbound links to your web pages, and it is one of the many factors influencing your ranking. Most website owners do not utilize properly what PageRank they already have. Their linking campaigns could be in vain if they let a large number of outbound links drain their existing PageRank. If their site were a bucket it would be full of holes, to illustrate this point, if you had a large number of outbound links, which are not reciprocated it would reduce your overall PageRank. Be diligent in identifying sites that are no longer linking back to you anymore. Also keep in mind putting more than 50 outbound links on any page is not advisable. Also be wary of sites that link to you from pages with more than 50 outbound links. Google's PagerRank is based on incoming links, but not only on the number of them. Instead PageRank is also based on the PageRank of the page on which your link is placed. For example a link to your site could be more valuable from a PR4 page with no other links than a link from a page with PR5 and 60 other links.
Gaining Additional PageRank
Google is the major search engine webmasters have to deal with in regards to gain traffic from a search engine. Yes, Yahoo and MSN are big, too - but they are only follow-ups compared to Google's popularity. While you can gain significant traffic from these 2 great search engines, having a good spot in Google is critical for a website's success.
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Optimizing For Visitors Not Search Engines
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Tip 1 - Hide And Seek
Importance of Keywords in Anchor Text or Title Text
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The Search Engine Optimization Game Is Getting Tricky
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Google Page Rank Is Dead - Or Is It? - Part I
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Search Engine Optimization --- An Overview
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Is a High Search Engine Ranking Important for YOU?
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How and When Should I Submit My Website to Google?
As soon as you register your domain name, submit it to Google!