Every Website is a Human Being?s Attempt at Achieving a Goal or Obtaining Happiness
Have you ever thought about the real stories behind all the websites on the Internet? There are over 10 million sites out there and a human being with some hope or dream driving the process constructed each one. Too much of our modern world is presented to us in a barrage of superficial pictures that only show a very external glimpse of the true reality beneath the surface. Wouldn't you like to know about the people who live behind this wall of technology? Humanity is the force behind all the websites, and for that matter, all technology that we use without a second thought everyday. Behind every advance in technology is a human being who wanted to get something done, then did it.
Why do you have a website? Is it your dream to share your ideas with the world? Do you feel you have a product or service that can help society run more smoothly? Do you feel lonely and feel that the Internet is finally a place to connect with others? Do you just want to express yourself to the world and if no one checks it out its O.K, because it has helped you to know yourself better? Each and every website on the Internet is a human being attempting to move forward on their life's path. What drove you to make the move? Has it helped you, or have unforeseen problems arisen because of your venture? It is a risk you know, and I'm sure for every success story out there, there's also a story of how the Web affected someone's world in a contrary fashion.
That's life, and essentially that's all the Internet is, another expression of life itself. Some people might think that the Internet is just another capitalistic venture to sell things and make money. They might also think it's a super technical mumbo-jumbo of nonsense that is way over their heads. It's much more simple than all that. The Internet is humanity in motion. It's the next step we've taken on our journey as a species. Where is the journey taking us? What is the destination? What are we hoping to achieve in the long run?
The Internet is another tool like fire and the stone-axe, the wheel and the well, the airplane and the satellite. The point is that we've built it for a purpose. What is your personal reason for being alive? Do you know yet? Do you just want to be happy while you are here in this magical form? Well, that's why we invent tools. We want to make things work, get the job done each day, go home happy and content each night knowing that we've done our share of the load. A lot of us believe that helping others is the true way to finding happiness. Whatever your goal in life is, if you've achieved it or not, the World Wide Web is a new aspect of our world that we can use to take the risks and logical steps to achieving what we are looking for.
Why does that person have a website about health issues? Did they have to go through a hard experience of their own that inspired them to share what they learnt with others? Why does this person have a site about spirituality? Did they once feel lost in the world, and now they want to tell others about the experience that has brought them faith? Why does this person sell doughnuts over the Web? Do they think that all people should know the power of a chocolate covered glazed extravagance at least once in their life? Maybe before they sold doughnuts they lived as a recluse in the forest. Did they come to the city and after eating the first thing they came across (a doughnut); they had an epiphany about their true purpose in life?
By taking this humanistic approach to our technology, the tech-heads can build better programs and software that's much simpler to comprehend. The layperson can relate to, and understand the Net better, and even help the experts by sharing their viewpoints and becoming more of a part of the future technologies process. This perspective will also help people to realize that the computer isn't something separate from them or something to be afraid of.
About The Author
Jesse S. Somer is a human just like any other. The Internet isn't technology. The Internet is humanity: people striving for achievement. http://www.m6.net

Hiring The Right Webmaster
The Questions You Should Be Asking ? The Answers You Should Be Receiving
Keep Your Navigation Highly Visible
Effective navigation stands out. It's clear, obvious, and highly visible.
7 Benefits of HTML Validation
You may not bother with html validation or writing simple and clean code when designing your web site. Later you may find your site is slow loading, appears incorrectly in the main browsers and does not rank well for the major search engines.
Web Marketing: Design Mistakes That Drive Customers Away In Droves
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Eliciting Constructive Website Feedback
"It's good."
Website Conversion Secrets Revealed
In my last article entitled, Maximizing The True Value Of Your Traffic (found at http://tinyurl.com/2cf84), you discovered the importance of generating positive responses from all your visitors.
Tips for Getting More Sales From Your Website
(1) Create a Direct Response Website, with the minimum number of pages possible (e.g. an Index Page, a Contact Page, and an Order Page).
Do You Hate Your Website? Web Site Sales To Hit $316 Billion Over The Next 6 Years
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Business Opportunity for Graphic Designers
As a graphic designer, you are sitting on a gold mine. You have a skill other people do not have, and you can use that skill to earn a good living.
Your Site Map: Spider Food or Just A Light Snack?
Mechanical spiders have to eat. In fact, they usually have bigger appetites than the real-life spiders you squish under your shoe. What spiders am I talking about? The automated programs sent out by search engines to review and index websites. These "spiders" (sometimes called "bots") are looking for a reason to list your site within the database of their particular search engine. It's hard work roaming around the 'Net non-stop, and these little guys need some nourishment from time-to-time. In fact, when spiders find some hearty "spider food" (a.k.a. a site map with some meat to it), they sit down to stay a while. That's a good thing!
Keep Your Navigation Simple!
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Moving Things Around
How often, men, have you come home to find the living room furniture in different places? Your wife said she was ready for something different, so she moved some things around. It may have been inconvenient at first, but deep inside it felt good to have things a little different at home. Maybe by moving the couch over there it made the room seem bigger. By moving the TV over on that wall gave the room a sense of coziness.
Save Thousands of Dollars by Creating Your Own Web Site
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Top 10 Web Design Mistakes
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Text Is King!
Are you building your website? If so, STOP! Take a look at what you have done so far. How many images do you have? How much text do you have?
Make Artistic Graphic Designs
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10 seconds is all it takes? (How to grab the attention of your audience with your web site)
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10 Web Site Design And Writing No-Nos
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