But My Business Doesnt Need A Website!
Revenues are often lost because many business owners don't see the value in having a website. They claim their products can't be sold online and technology is overwhelming. The fact is without a web presence they may be losing incredible opportunity. A well-planned, professional website can:
Expand Your Business:
Utilizing the Internet is a cost-effective approach to reaching a large number of people that are interested in your product or service.
The world is your oyster and you can reach your target market anywhere in the world.
Improve Your Image:
Not having a website can make your business look outdated and out of touch with modern technology. It doesn't pain a picture of success.
When you have a website that reflects the image you need, it will attract potential customers and keep your current customers on top of what you have to offer.
If you're in business, you have competition. Do your competitors have a websites?
Increase Your Profits:
A website allows you to be in business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Potential customers can learn about you anytime.
Marketing is the source of all sales. Leads and sales can be derived from traditional marketing, viral marketing, and marketing on the Internet.
April of 2004, "the active online population across U.S. home, work and university PCs totaled 155.1 million people"
Imagine if your company could tap into a fraction of these potential clients.
Improve Efficiency Saving You Time and Money:
How many times do potential customers and existing clients call for basic information? A website allows you to provide instant responses to your customers' questions. What are your normal hours, what is your range of products and services, do you provide on-site estimates etc.?
The old saying time is money is really true in business.
People have come to expect businesses to have a compelling website even if the business does not offer products that can be purchased on-line. Potential customers are likely to browse for information about products and services before they make a decision on what business they want to work with.
Businesses can't afford not to have a website.
Copyright: © 2004 by Pamela Jacob
Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website, or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.
Is your website an integral part of making money in your business? Then you need to "Create the image you need to attract the customers you want." Pamela Jacob, owner of Artista Design, can help you do just that. She specializes in all types of visual mediums and has been in the new media industry for over a decade. To gain more valuable insights from Pamela Jacob visit: http://www.artistadesign.com

Web Accessibility: The Basics
What is web accessibility & why is it important?
Why You Need A Web Site
"I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don't think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site?"
The Road to Better Results
A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo has definitely managed to take away some of Google's oomph over the past twelve months. Another important change is that the intelligence of the search engine spiders and algorithms has increased dramatically. So without further ado, I will present you with a standard search engine optimizing process.
Get Your Business on the Web
I can't think of any business alive today that couldn't benefit from at least a minor presence on the web. Now that I've made that statement, I'm sure someone will point out one. My point is, however, that having a web presence today is about as cheap as anything going and if you ever get one client or sale from the web you are way ahead.
Improve Conversion Rates ? Effective Content
Your site is fast and getting traffic, but conversion rates are disappointing. You may have problems with the tone of your content
Why Should Your Business Go O.N.L.I.N.E.
Optimize your time. How much time each day must you devote to paperwork, scheduling and accounting? You strive to meet the needs of your clients, but when chained to the obligations of business management, it's just as important to make sure the doors stay open as it is to satisfy customers. By integrating your daily tasks and taking advantage of the amazing Web-based software solutions out there, you can make more time for clients and spend less time behind your desk. Do you work from home? When your business is online, you can manage your business any place you have a connection to the Internet
In Business? 10 Reasons Why You Need a Website -- Now!
1) Word of Mouth The single most powerful form of new business creation is word of mouth. Your past customers, friends, acquaintances and staff aren't likely to carry your brochure or even your business card everywhere they go. The can however carry your domain name, in their heads! Every time they have a conversation that leads to your kind of business they just quote your simple domain name. You've chosen a simple domain name of course, easily remembered, easily spelt and requiring no explanation. For that reason avoid hyphenated names.
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3 Reasons Why You Need URL Rewriting Module To Enchance Your Web
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Let Marketing Manage Your Website Content
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4 Marketing Tips for Resourceful Webmasters!
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How to Promote Your Law Firm Website On the Internet for Maximum Profit
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Trinkets, Lockets And Empty Pockets
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7 Tips to Make Your Order Page Work Harder
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12 Tips To Great Websites
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Creating Dynamic Website Content with PHP - MySQL
Fresh website content for your visitors can be of real benefit when attempting to generate repeat traffic. Most webmasters, however, just don't have enough spare time to frequently update or rebuild their pages manually. If your web site hosting company provides free access to PHP and MySQL, this article will show you how to combine those two open source tools and replace a portion of your websites' static content with frequently changing dynamic content.
Have You Got Your Ear To The Ground Or Your Head In The Sand?
What happened on your website yesterday? What about last week or last month? How about in the past hour? How many visitors come to your website as a result of using a search engine? How long do people stay on your website for on average? Which pages do your visitors go to?
Better Web Site ROI: Efficient Online Business with SEO, PPC, Split Testing, and Forums
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My Yahoo Search - Beyond Bookmarks
Yahoo has long offered email, an online calendar, notes, bookmarks, and more through their free My Yahoo service. Now Yahoo has expanded this service even more by adding My Yahoo Personal Search to the mix.
Writing Effective ALT Text For Images
Anyone who knows anything about web accessibility knows that images need alternative, or ALT, text assigned to them. This is because screen readers can't understand images, but rather read aloud the alternative text assigned to them. In Internet Explorer we can see this ALT text, simply by mousing over the image and looking at the yellow tooltip that appears. Other browsers (correctly) don't do this. The HTML for inserting ALT text is: