Build a Web Site that Works...Even for a Safari Hobby!
My life's greatest passion is a safari hobby. And what would that be, you ask. ...Simply the conservation of wildlife and the environment. I do this after hours from my 7 to 5 job. And that's how this story started. Read this story to learn how to build not just a web site...but a web site that works...
I live and work in a mining town in Zambia. So finding time to do my hobby was not easy at first. It was an up hill battle. But I wised up and made it easy, just too easy perhaps. How did I do that? Since our libraries are a touch too poor in book stocks I could not do my research there. The solution? The Internet ...and my lifeline too!
It is said that one can find practically any information on the Internet. It is true! The Internet isn't called the "information-super-highway" for nothing. But looking for information on the Internet can be daunting. "Where to look? What to look for? And above all HOW TO?"
Where to Look
First I had to learn how to use the Internet. Oh I knew the "www" existed and what it could do but I never used it before. So I decided to learn fast. You can't learn any faster than taking the bull by its horns. And I did that. There is a shared computer in our shared office...and it has Internet connection. That was my target. I burnt hours that turned into days...that turned into weeks...and finally into months. And Voila!
I had learnt how to use the Internet and the search engines too. Google search engine came in handy. But try Searchit.Sitesell a gem of a search facility. And you'll know that life sometimes comes with surprises.
Bad Folks on the Internet
After some research I ran into all kinds of "worms". I mean people with all kinds of offers. I call them "worms" because they'll make you part with your hard earn income. I know this because I lost a nice sum myself. So I should know. The "worms" separated me from my cash. You don't forget such a thing easily and I haven't all this time.
Sorry but I digressed there. As I was saying...I came across all sorts of offers. Get rich quick. Make money with no effort programmes. Multi-level marketing. Business opportunity this or that. And there're many and I joined them all. Well, not all but quite a few really. The result? An inbox full of e-mails and for a period I received over three hundred per day! Alas none made me a single red dime...wake Enestle! (don't worry that's just my name).
So I hard to learn pretty fast. But it took time, frustrations, and disenchantment. What with all that hype on the Internet. But it finally dawned on me that either I gave up the Internet or changed my tactic completely. By this time I had noticed that people could be very generous with information on the Internet. Especially those marketing something. Perhaps too generous! But of course to lure you into their snares, perhaps?
I started asking questions and for help too. Lots and tons of help came my way. Then it hit me. Its called information overload! Lots and lots of information swamped me. Much more kept coming in. The electronic newsletters I had subscribed to contributed a lot. I tried to soak it all in but my brain was choked! I was paralysed. Information paralysis! To choose a programme to pursue was now beyond me. I was scared!
Help Comes Along
I kept asking around. And "out of the blue", out of this maze, a good soul appeared. He advised me to choose one programme that looked like it had a fighting chance at success. And to stick to it like a baby monkey sticks to its mum's body. Gently he mentioned that there was a 5-day Masters Course on web marketing that shows it all. Ken Evoy offers this tutorial. And it's free too! Yes free.
Follow his advice and you'll leak the information overload. You'll get out of the maze and be on your own happy way. Be it a safari hobby like mine or any hobby at all And it works all the time even for businesses and ...small businesses too!
How to Write a Sizzling Copy and Ads
Are you worried that you might not be able to write? You'll be brought up to speed in learning how to write a sizzling copy or advert if you care to read a short but very precise book called "Make Your Content PREsell". It taught me all I know about marketing on the Internet.
Enestle Zimba is geologist of over twenty years and manages Zambia African Safari (ZAS) part time. Enestle is dedicated to the promotion of safaris and tourism in Zambia and the conservation of wildlife and the environment.
Build a Web Site that Works http://www.zambia-the-african-safari.com/safari-hobby.html

Maintaining Your Business Website
QUESTION: Should I build and maintain my business Web site myself or pay someone else to do the work for me? -- Wesley L.
Getting a Web Site Can Be Fast, Easy, and Inexpensive When You Know Your Options
So what do you do if need to get a web site but you're not sure how to go about getting one. The good news is you have several options. To help determine which option is best for you, ask yourself the following five questions:
Are You Losing Sales Because of These 4 Simple Website Mistakes?
Losing website sales and traffic is sometimes simply a case of web usablity - your website just isn't clear to your visitors. By fixing these simple mistakes, you'll easily increase your conversion rate and make more online sales.
10 Things You Should Be Monitoring On Your Website
Every business needs to know how it is doing. That's the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming ? or being able to stop the slide.
Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP
Installment 1
Website Success is Key
The popular search engine Google indexes over 8 billion websites. Is one of them yours, or is your website just floating around in cyberspace and you're hoping your customers will just find you? Is your website a benefit to your organization or company? Is it just an expensive showpiece or is it of true value?
Three Way Linking - Webmaster Strategy
Three way linking and concerns.
Ebooks for Webmasters
Internet has opened a whole new world for web developers and web designers who are looking to get their websites developed that are finally launched on the huge world of World Wide Web. Keeping that factor webmasters are the people who have to face a lot of problems mainly due to the entrance of new software, programming languages and viruses that are a real threat for the webmasters.
Free Isnt Always Good - 5 Reasons Why You Need Your Own Website
Often time I've browsed sites and seen the same thing - general rep websites or free hosted sites. Pop ups irritate me from the free sites as does the blatant ads getting in the way of the text, and if you have seen one rep site you literally have seen them all. Boring, unoriginal, and unprofessional.
The Top Ten Benefits of Having a Web Site
Do you need a web site? Are you considering getting one but are unsure? Here we take a look at the main reasons why a web site could be beneficial to your organisation.
Newsletter Management Using PHP w/o mySQL for Beginners
Let's begin by setting some limits. If you're like me, you like to keep it simple. All we're doing is collecting email addresses together for our mailing list, so biochemical engineering is out the window. If you're using Thunderbird (or that MS product), you can send nicely formatted newsletters out and retain all of the other awesome features of your email program so there's really no need for databases, logins, or pretty much anything else. We're going to stay far away from anything non-essential.
What is Blogger.com?
In the late 1990's three San Francisco based web developers came up with the idea of being able to share information about anything on the web. The terminology they used was called blog. It's use was considered a mix of web page / personal journal. It's original usages were vast and wide, but more and more people came to use them as a personal tool that is available anywhere the Internet is. The three friends would eventually create Blogger.com one of the largest blogger sites on the Internet today. Blogger, which stands for Web Logger, has increased in popularity over the past three years. There has been so much interest in what capabilities it holds Google.com purchased them. Eventually, Google assimilated their technologies and imported them into the popular plug-in, The Google Toolbar.
Selling Your Site: Outsource or Homemade?
To the starting internet entrepreneur, there is nothing more discouraging then the erroneous realization that your dream for a self sufficient business cannot be realized without a heavy investment. This may be why so many people shy away from the internet; seeing all the flashy sites, many of which are $50 templates, people are afraid to enter the world of internet sales and marketing.
Bring Your Visitors Back Clamoring for More! Maintain and Improve Your Web Site Weekly - Part 1
80% of your Web site is Maintenance!
Make Your Web Site Stand Out
When visitors add your web site to their Favorites or bookmark your site, what shows up in their list of sites? There are at least two things you can do to make sure your site stands out on anyone's list of Favorites, including a great idea that very few sites use. If you have a webmaster, he or she should be able to make these changes quickly, and those who maintain their own sites can easily handle these simple tasks.
Guidelines for Web Page Optimization
Below, I have listed 8 simple steps that you can take to optimize your web pages. By following these, you will improve your chances of increasing your rankings:
Database Driven Web Site - Do You Need It?
Many of site owners still don't realize all advantages of database driven web sites and don't use all abilities they give. So when do you need a database driven web site and how it will make your web-life better?
Your Content for Nothing and Your Clicks for Free
The first thing my business consultant (read brother-in-law) asked me, when I told him that I wanted to build a website and put AdSense on it was, "Do you want to build a site to help people or to make money?" After thinking about it for a while I couldn't imagine why I shouldn't do both. Why not a website that helps people and generates money for me? My consultant looked at me like I had taken one too many falls off my bike, which he knew I road primarily to save on the cost of gas, but he proceeded forward.
Web Site Development Process - The Life-cycle Steps
A system development process can follow a number of standard or company specific frameworks, methodologies, modeling tools and languages. Software development life cycle normally comes with some standards which can fulfill the needs of any development team. Like software, web sites can also be developed with certain methods with some changes and additions with the existing software development process. Let us see the steps involve in any web site development.
Study Your Sites Performance Via Hit Tracking
Knowledge is power.