Autoresponders Make You Look Like A Pro
People like to get immediate responses to requests. Autoresponders are great for letting people know you are on the job and that their requests are being taken care of. These are much better than thank you pages.
Below is one example of how you can use an autoresponder to save time and make your customers feel a little more at ease until you can handle their request. Along with being an example it is also a guide to actually setting up the autoresponder in your mail account.
Customer Service - Time Saving TipUse an autoresponder to answer your customer's questions. You can anticipate or add answers as you go for your customers. If you have a support page you can include a number of e-mails for each question. Each e-mail can have an autoresponder answer sent to the customer. This can cut down dramatically on the number of e-mails you need to answer, and your customer gets an instant answer to their question, instead of waiting for you to reply.
For example a question that a client may have is "How does mail forwarding work?" You can answer this question beforehand in a text file. On a support page you could list "Answers To Questions". Indicate that when they click on the link an e-mail box will open where they ask their question, or they are directed to a page with a mail form. You may have to make a number of form pages but once done could save you hours of time.
Read more articles by this author, about this and other subjects, here.
About The Author
Bob Power has been an Internet entrepreneur for longer than he would like to remember. He is currently on a voyage of learning, thanks to his readers, who have asked him to answer questions about topics they want more information on. You can see some of the surprising, and at times exciting results, and variety of topics and paths this has taken him on, or to contact Bob Power please click here.
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