How to Make Your Own Website For Free
If you like the Internet and surfing through the billions of web pages on it then you might be thinking that you also would like to have your very own web page. Well, fortunately you can create your own web page for free and have it online so the whole world can surf the web and see what your web page is all about. If you want to learn more about building your very own website for free, simply follow the steps below and in a short period of time you will have your very own web page!
Step #1 Make a Plan
Before you start your web page you need to have a plan. You want to know the focus of your site and what kind of information you will put on your site, as well as how you want to design it. Having a plan and a strong sense of what you want to do will make finding a webhost and actually designing your site a lot easier.
Step #2 URL
You will need to register a URL if you want to make up your own, but this step will cost you a few dollars. Not much, but it's not completely free. There are many sites, however, that will give you a free URL on their server so if a few dollars is a problem do not fear... you just have to search out the different sites that will allow you to do this. It is also important to make sure the hosts you find will allow you to carry out the plan you have for your website.
Step #3 Host
You will need to find a host. Granted, you may have already done this when setting up your URL, but this needs to be discussed more in depth. You want a free host that allows you to upload information with as few restrictions as possible. Also, you want a free hosting account that has uptime the majority of the time and that won't penalize your site if you have too many visitors. Look into all of this information before deciding on a free host.
Step #4 Design
Most free hosts also have tools that help you design your website. While these can be somewhat limiting, they are very easy for people to use, even those with little computer knowledge can produce a decent looking web page. So, if you are just out to design a free website for your own personal use then it will certainly meet any needs you might have.
Step #5 Market
Now that your site is online you need to submit the URL to search engines, get other websites to link to you, and include information about your site in blogs and forums so you can get more visitors. Really, creating your web page is amazingly easy and can be absolutely free. Go ahead and get started and enjoy having your own web page today!
Michael Turner shows you exactly how to increase web site traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it today at http://www.powertraffictactics.com/

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How to Make Your Own Website For Free
If you like the Internet and surfing through the billions of web pages on it then you might be thinking that you also would like to have your very own web page. Well, fortunately you can create your own web page for free and have it online so the whole world can surf the web and see what your web page is all about. If you want to learn more about building your very own website for free, simply follow the steps below and in a short period of time you will have your very own web page!
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