Web Design Information
Hacked Off with CSS?
For those not familiar with CSS Hacks, they are ways of using styles/classes that only apply to particular browsers. They are used to overcome the display problems mentioned previously by exploiting CSS structure and code. Most involve simple punctuation tricks to fool the problematic browser into accepting a different style to the browsers that display correctly.
Is Your Web Site Turning Visitors Away?
One of the biggest problems with Web sites is that the very first page
on the site is turning people away.
How to Choose Web Design Company?
Before deciding on which web design company to choose, you should first determine the main aim and purpose for your upcoming website. Once the aim and purpose have been identified, then only move on to choose a reliable web design company to develop your website.
Marketing Basics for the Webmaster
What is the relationship between Marketing and Web designing? How can a better understanding of Marketing help the web designer manage his business more profitably?
What Drives Repeat Visitors To Your Site?
There can be zillions of reasons why your visitors return to your web site. One might be very interested in seeing your animated photo on your main page, but kidding aside I've gathered 12 elements that invites your visitors to repeat their visits.
Good Web Design ? What Is It?
There is unlimited possibilities when it comes to designing a website. Flash, Database, content management, Client Login, etc,etc. A question to ask yourself when deciding how to do your website is:
Do You Want To Save Time With Your Web Design?
It starts off simply; a few HTML pages, a few hyperlinks, some affiliate links. Your mother is proud of her clever son.
Then you install a forum, some more content, maybe consider using a Content Management System (CMS).
5 Website Design Tips to Make Your Site More Attractive
The question that I most frequently hear from people is "How can I attract thousands of visitors to my site each month?" Well, driving high traffic to your site is important, but what's even more important, is designing a website that makes them stay.
Web Design for Ecommerce
Your website is your tool for showing the online community an image of your Drop Ship retail business. Whether or not your business succeeds depends heavily on your website. If your website design is user-friendly, more visitors will purchase your products or subscribe to your newsletter. This will ensure that you are not wasting the time and money you spent attracting visitors to your website. It does not pay to drive large amounts of traffic to your website and have 99% of them leave due to poor content and navigation.
Why Content is King of Website Design
If there?s one thing that most web site developers can agree on, it?s this: content is king.
Get Rid of Your Frames
A few years ago a lot of websites utilized frame technology.
The Proper Way to Use Images
Most people will agree there is nothing more annoying than going to a site and it taking forever and a day to download all the images just so you can see the site. Then after waiting, realizing that the site is completely ugly, irrelevant,or not what you thought is was, and wasting your time.
Why Long Web Pages are Better than Short Ones
Many Internet sites that try to sell you something have very long pages. Why is that do you think? Well, it appears that long, scrolling, web pages lead to more sales than short pages. This article explains why you need long web pages.
Building a One-page Website
You?ve designed your logo, and you?re ready to print your business cards and other marketing collateral materials. You want to include your website address (also called a URL) to build your credibility. However, you?re not quite ready to write and design a full website. At the same time, you don?t think it?s a good idea to distribute your new printed materials showing your website URL and to have only a blank web page waiting for your potential client?s inquiries. What to do?
Use Exclusive Content - When Reprint Articles Dont Do Enough
There is no doubt that reprint articles can serve lots of search
engine traffic to your site... All you have to do is to check
your traffic logs and you will see how much traffic finds your
site via one of the major search engines, as a result of those
reprint articles being located on your website.
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Converting Traffic into Sales
Making a successful online business can be a long and tiresome adventure. For most new online business's this can just lead to failure and a website that just isnt making sales despite a high number of visitors.
Website Design: Color Me Blue
Chris, a new consulting client, asked me to help him increase sales on his affiliate marketing site.
10 Profitable Ways To Recycle Your Content
1. Repackage your web site content in to different products to sell. You could create speeches, audio books, classes, and video tapes with your content.
Attention Grabbing Web Design Will Kill Your Sale!
In the of-line marketing world it is all about trying to get the attention of the potential consumer to a commercial message.
How to Prepare Your Project Before You Order Website Design
Are you serious about get this website done fast and clear and want to make money with your website? Then you will absolutely need some good web design agency to build the website of your dream and that it the aim, right?
Flash Design Adds Website Versatility
You have probably viewed many Flash-based components while surfing the Internet. Most smooth animations on websites and in banner ads, short films, and presentations are built in Flash. Macromedia Flash is a powerful and adaptable software program. It enables Flash web designers to incorporate sound, movement, and interactivity that cannot be achieved with standard HTML websites.
10 seconds is all it takes? (How to grab the attention of your audience with your web site)
FACT: 30 to 60% of visitors tend to drop off and click to another site when they are forced to click their mouse more often than necessary.
Create Favorite Icon
Favorite icon appears to the left of your link in either address bar or in favorites menu of your browser. It gives your website more personality, better visibility in favorites menu and is easy to create.
Speed Up Or Lose Out! How To Improve Your Websites Download Speed
So your web site's online and you've got high rankings in the search engines attracting lots of visitors. But the statistics tell you most of them are leaving after viewing just one page, what's gone wrong?
5 Ways To Improve Your Website Immediately
If you are reading this, I assume you either have your own website or planning to get one. Either way, these 5 tips can help you create a better business website immediately. They'll help you draw more repeat visitors and help visitors find their way around easily on your website. When that happens, you sell more of your products and services!
Design Matters in our Visual Culture
Images: How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages?
1. Use .gifs rather than .jpgs. GIFs are smaller in size when compared to JPGs.
How To Rescue Your Graphic Design Project When All Else Fails
Whether you're giving a critical sales presentation to a client, producing visuals for a meeting, event, trade show or seminar, or unveiling the new company logo before an audience of shareholders, top-notch graphics will help ensure that you, your products, and your message receive the attention they deserve.
10 Nifty Ways to Prolong Your Visitors at Your Website
Increasing the length of time a visitor is on your website will dramatically improve your conversion to sales. Use these ten points to check you are prolonging to stay of your visitors.
Why Web Pages Appear in the Wrong Location after Uploading to my Website?
If your are a new web designer, you may face a common problem after uploading your web page to your web server. The problem is that the web page appear in the wrong location on your website, and will not be accessible when you type its address in the browser address box.
How Important is Content to a Successful Website
Content is the most important part of any website.
How Do We Know When Its Time To Redesign Our Web Site?
A question we frequently get asked is, "how do we know when it is time to redesign our Web site?" The answer undoubtedly varies.
A Great Banner Only Needs Simple Things
To create your own great banner, you only need five (5) simple things:
Why Choose A Professional Web Designer?
It seems that almost every Tom Dick and Harry do web design in one form or another. Everyone seems to know a friends' brother's son who can build websites for real cheap. Why choose to pay the sometimes high fees that web designers charge?
Web Publishing Guide for the Beginning Entrepreneur (Part 1)
The best things don't come easy. - Quoted