Web Design Information
Looking for a Web Design Company? Use a Web Design Directory
Your business website tells a lot about your company. A poorly designed website will have your visitors questioning the quality of your business. A well thought out elegantly designed site would instill confidence in your visitors that you are a credible business to deal with. There is a saying in advertising, ?It is better to not advertise than to advertise poorly?. The same holds true for web design.
There are so many Web Design companies now. How do you make an educated decision on which one to choose? Like every market that is saturated, you always see ads that read, ?Hire us we are the best?. Well how do you know that statement is true? Wouldn?t it be great if you had a resource available to you that pre-screened Web Design Companies to narrow down your choices? To answer that question, yes there is, use a Web Design directory. Web Design directories are usually run by companies in the Web Design Industry. Using their knowledge to pre-screen the Web Design companies that submit their contact information to the directory insures that only quality Web Design Companies are listed.
Most Web Design directories are categorized by region. Some use states, some use countries all in hopes of making your search that much easier. If you live in Alabama then you simply click the link that reads, ?Alabama Web Design?. Some Web Design directories will also allow you the customer to submit a quote request. Then they take your information and forward it to Web Design Companies that meet your criteria. This can be very helpful, as it eases the process of finding the perfect Web Design Company for your project.
Along with a directory of different Web Design Companies, you may also find helpful articles to educate yourself, and help make the decision process a little easier. Look for articles that answer your questions, ?What is PHP?, or ?How do colors affect your visitors? experience?. Articles like these can give you a little incite as to what makes up a high quality website.
Your business website is very important to help strengthen your image. It is often the first impression a potential customer will have about your company. Using a Web Design directory can ensure your visitors have a positive first impression that causes them to contact you to do business.
Create A Web Site That Builds Trust
If someone doesn't know you personally, will they trust you enough to do business with you just by visiting your web site?
Do Your Website Yourself - 4 Simple Steps to Get Your Dreams on the Web
Many people hire professional web site designers for as much as a thousand plus USD! You can, and very easily, make a web site for almost one hundredth of that price, and probably in half the time. Here are 4 easy steps to get you started.
Be Friendly to Search Engines
The object of search engines is to give their visitors a list of web pages relevant to the search words, in the order of relevance to the search words. So what do they want from websites?
Web Design Advice And Information
Most of us at times need advice on different aspects of life and the thought of obtaining a website can be quite a daunting task for many people. There are so many people offering cheap web design services, therefore how do you know who to choose and what to look for.
Learn the Truth about Your Web Design Company by Its Portfolio
When you start building your online business and search for a web design company that will implement all your needs for the web site you must understand that it is a very serious step because you are entrusting your business along with its reputation and future.
Quality Website Design At An Affordable Price
I always have people asking me if I know of anybody who can build them a website which is affordable but also professional looking. They want the website to be search engine friendly, there is no point in having a website if no one can see it, and fully optimised.
Creating a Favicon
Once, I attempted to create a favicon (the little graphic in the URL address box) for this Web site, but never did finish the work until now. I used a free program that allowed me to copy and paste an image to create an icon, but I believe it has spyware so I won't share its name. There are many icon creators out there.
Creating Your First Website? Your Options
Creating your own website is great fun! But how is it done? Well, there are five main
options, read this carefully and choose which one you think is best for you!
Web Publishing Guide for the Beginning Entrepreneur (Part 1)
The best things don't come easy. - Quoted
How Not To Get Web Design Work
I get the occasional web design lead from my website. I wanted to find a company I could pass these onto. So I put an ad on a freelance site. It specified the programming qualifications needed, stated that the successful candidate should have good English, and was for companies only.
The Best Simple Software For The Busy Webmaster
Here are a few programs I can't do without. They're free, and make being a webmaster much easier.
Fast Web Design For The Skint Webmaster
About two years ago, I had a go at commercial web site design. I put a medium-sized ad in a London classified ad paper. Nothing fancy: "Web designer seeks work ..." etc. This was expensive, about £500 for a month's run.
Tableless Web Designs: Why I Switched
Since I made the switch 6 months ago to a tableless design on my main site, I?ve noticed some interesting things:
My search engine rankings have dramatically improved
My bandwidth usage has dropped about 50-75%
I can now make changes to the look and feel of my site easily by just changing the one file, the stylesheet.
Let?s look at why my search engine rankings improved. Now that I have less un-indexable code on my pages, the search engines can now spider my site quicker. Less code, more content, therefore a better ranking. Makes sense, doesn?t it?
Bandwidth costs money, and unless you have a really good hosting plan with lots of bandwidth, then your larger files will take up more room on your server, and take a lot longer to load. Tableless designs use up considerably less bandwidth and are more accessible.
Every once in a while I may want to alter the look of my site. I like to change font colors, link colors, menu items, etc?Before I started using tableless designs, these changes took me hours to do. Now I just open up my stylesheet, make the changes I want, and in a few minutes I have my site updated with the new look and feel. It?s so easy!
For a client who wants to make their own changes, tableless designs could literally save them thousands on tech costs.
Most of my clients still want sites with tables. I now give them the choice of either style. After all, the customer needs to be happy, right?
Some people have the misconception that utilizing tableless designs means having a boring and less graphical site. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Take a look at one of my favorite websites: http://www.csszengarden.com/. At that site you can really appreciate what can be accomplished through css-based tableless designs. Beautiful!
Make the switch to a more profitable, usable, and accessible website!
Copyright 2005 - Karen Blundell
Why is a Logo so Important to Your Business?
Well, a logo for your business. Why is it important? Does it matter what it looks like? Is Yours Professional?
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Custom Website Design - 7 Steps to a More Professional Website
If you are trying to sell a product or service on your website, then it is important to make your site as professional as possible. You might think designing that your own website to look like a professional did so is a rather difficult proposition, however there are many tools online that will help you achieve professional looking design.
Ten Tips For Your Web Site Home Page
1. Loading time:
Your Free Guide To Obtain A Cheap Web Design Quote
Website design is a very competitive area and there is no longer any reason why people should pay large amounts for web design services.
How Do We Know When Its Time To Redesign Our Web Site?
A question we frequently get asked is, "how do we know when it is time to redesign our Web site?" The answer undoubtedly varies.
Dont Overdo it!
Have you ever been to site with so much ad clutter that you wanted to just leave? Odds are you have, and odds are even better that you did in fact leave! Always refer back to the KISS philosphy. Keep It Simple Stupid!
Is A Picture Really Worth a Thousand Words?
The great debate: how much copy you should have on your site, particularly on the home page?
Owning Your Own Web Site Is A Must
Owning your own website is a must if you are doing business on the Internet.
Cool Web Design And Promotion Tips
This article gives free tips on how to find a cheap website designer and free tips on website promotion services.
No More Jargon! Pamper Your Audience!
When your company built its website, did you think about the content (the text) of your site? Did you write it for your customers? The answer to these questions is often 'No.'
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Webmasters
A highly effective website will always reflect its highly effective webmaster. Throughout the years of doing a number of websites, I've seen quite a few effective webmasters all over the web and I would like to share to you their successes by exploring on this topic: "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Webmasters."
Don?t Put Your Slogan in the Title Tag - Optimize Your Web Pages
Don't just put your slogan in the title tag when you formulate the copy of your website. The formulation of the title tag is the most important single aspect when you fine-tune your website:
Imitation, The Smartest Form Of Flattery
Unless you are an inventor, most likely you are selling a product or service that is being offered by someone else, somewhere, at some time. The first person to start your type of business would have gone through a lot of trial and error. Thank that person, as now you can not only profit by not repeating the same mistakes, but by learning what they do to get business.
Reach Out To Billions
Have you heard of 'Babel Fish'?
What Does Your Website Say About Your Business?
QUESTION: My business is very small, just me and two employees, and our product really can't be sold online. Do I really need a website? -- Robin C.
Winning Websites
Customers will form an opinion of your business as soon as they look at your website. Therefore the same basic rules apply that you use in the production of your brochure and your business card - It needs to grab attention, be easy to read, have a benefit statement, be friendly and make a statement about your business.
Increase Your Credibility With Web Site Awards
Web Site Awards are given from other sites to reward your site for a specific reason. They will usually give you an award graphic or text link to include on your site if you win. Awards are great to display on your Web site because they will give your business more credibility to your visitors and customers.
Why You Should Hire a Professional Website Designer
Your web site should always adhere to standards!
What to Avoid to Make Your Website Design Effective
The effective design is this one, which is maximum simplified, conformable to your users because they are your main purpose. This one, simply and clearly announcing what is your website about. This one, quickly offering the users exactly what they are expecting to see on your pages without being troubled with insignificant information. The big mistake made by lots of web designers is to project their activities from their own point of view, without thinking about user.
Web Page Building for Beginners 2
A search engine robot actually reads the wording on your web pages and places a certain amount of importance on what the content says, but not quite like a human does. A human will place the words together in their head and try to decipher the relevancy to them personally and decide within a few seconds whether they will continue reading or click to another site, whereas a robot counts words and places all relevancy in the numbers it finds. It also gives extra credit to the size of the type and title of each page.
Flash Web Design - The Wave of the Future?
There are two camps when it comes to flash web design, those who believe it is the wave of the future and those who do not. To decide which camp you want to be part of, you of course need to learn a little bit about flash web design and try it out as well to see how you feel. The following overview on flash web design should help you form at least a basic opinion about flash web design and whether it is here to stay or not.