Web Design Information
To Flash, or Not to Flash
When considering whether or not to incorporate Flash into your website, you must also consider the target market you are trying to reach.
Choosing A Web Designer : A Plan to Guide You Through The Minefield
Choosing a web designer can seem like a daunting task. They come in all shapes and sizes ? from freelancers working at home to glossy new media agencies, and there is as much variation in prices and service as there is in size.
Dos and Donts in Web Design - part 1 (design)
Do use a consistent look and feel
Your site should stand out as a whole. Use the same look and feel for all the pages at your site. This way your visitors have a sense of recognition when they visit various pages. Using stylesheets makes it much easier to maintain the look and feel of numerous pages.
Color and Web Design
Color is one of the most important but least understood elements of web design today. Whether they know it or not, visitors to a site respond to colors and other visual elements on the site on a psychological level. Color affects the emotion of the audience, and emotion drives decision-making. An intrigued visitor is more likely to engage in the goal of your site -- whether it is meant to inform, entertain, or to sell products or services. If the colors are unsuitable, the eye will reject the site and your product may be rejected too, no matter how good it is.
A well-considered color scheme is frequently the difference between an okay web site and a great web site. It can also make a site unusable if the scheme used is too outrageous and hard on the eye.
Can a Webpage Created Without HTML?
The HTML editor is usually a webpage design software that has a GUI(graphic user interface) which makes it easier to design a webpage using the File Menus. This is good for the non-programmers and non-technical people.
6 Reasons Why Web Templates Are Todays Trend
As the Internet blooms at an alarming rate, so as the number
of websites out there. Appearance, layout, presentation and
loading times are just a few of the main essential
characteristics of a successful website. It would seem that
it is generally manageable if you own a wide level of
knowledge on web / graphics design. But the main question of
today's online trend, is how you can eliminate the need of
going through the traditional web designing processes and
Choosing Your Web Design
We would all like to have the best looking website, that's a fact - but if we keep in mind that our main objective is to finally sell our product or service online, we'll realize that maybe design is not the most important factor when it comes to achieve this objective.
Make Your Web Site User-Friendly
You can create a website that attracts customers, not repels them, with a little common sense advice.
Keep It Simple, Stupid: The Beauty of a Clean Cut Website
Don?t knock it; ?Keep It Simple, Stupid? is a great rule to live by. Nobody likes a website to ?yell? at them, with blaring colors and flashing lights. Too many buttons will turn customers off. I had this problem with my homepage at http://www.antion.com. A colleague of mine, who makes a lot of money, pointed out the cluttered look of my site. I had worked so closely on every detail of the page; that I couldn?t see it for what it was anymore.
Click Here
See, works every time. Seriously now, for some reason people keep leaving your website and you can?t figure out why. Try putting a ?Click Here? button at the bottom of your page that does not specify where it will redirect your customer to. This link should lead to a more interesting page; one that you feel should not be missed. It is amazing that people fall for this, no matter how bored they are on your site, with a ?Click Here? button; chances are many people will push it just to see what happens. Some people even get a little deceptive and play mind games by putting a ?Don?t Click Here? button on their page. OF COURSE you?ll click a ?Don?t Click Here,? it is human nature.
How to Make a Website (Minus the Headaches)
There is nothing wrong with making your own website if you are looking to save some money. Be prepared however, for your finished product to resemble an after school project; cutesy, homemade touches and all. It is pretty hard to make your own website and have it look professional; but, there is an easier way that will leave you with fewer headaches in the long run.
Why Do Images Disappear from a Webpage?
In learning webpage design, I encountered many problems that took lots of practice to resolve. Although, I was building web pages using Microsoft Frontpage on my home computer, I used to face lots of issues after uploading the webpage to my website.
Lead Capture Pages Explode Your Direct Sales Business Online!
Are you building a direct sales or mlm business online? Using lead capture pages can significantly improve your recruiting results and save you lots of time and money! I have known a few people who earned 5-figure monthly incomes in their mlm businesses and they used lead capture pages for Internet marketing.
Why Web Pages Appear in the Wrong Location after Uploading to my Website?
If your are a new web designer, you may face a common problem after uploading your web page to your web server. The problem is that the web page appear in the wrong location on your website, and will not be accessible when you type its address in the browser address box.
Event Planning Must Include An Event Website
As part of your event planning you should seriously consider
registering a special event domain. That should in fact be the
first step for your planning of any event.
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Quality of Your Text Layout and Design
Why is the quality of your text layout and design important on your web site? For the simple reason that people tends to stay longer on a web site that radiates quality and simplicity.
Successful Websites Don?t Set Out To Sell
What are websites? Are they sales tools for vendors and service providers, or are they electronic guidance for potential customers? Put simply, are you selling or are you helping?
To Flash, or Not to Flash
When considering whether or not to incorporate Flash into your website, you must also consider the target market you are trying to reach.
Is Your Website?s Copy Up to the Mark?
The Internet is a relatively new medium. What works for you in your printed offline brochures and advertising materials may or may not work on your web page. If you have already invested either time or money or both in your website you should carefully scrutinize the written words on your pages to see if they can really deliver a return on your investment. Here are five important questions to ask to when making a review of your website's copy.
Web Site Design Mistakes
Some wise human once said "Learn from the mistakes of others. There isn't nearly enough time to make them all yourself." Hence this article. Here are five of the most annoying and common web design mistakes.
How to use Emotional Content to Increase Visitor Response
Did you know that many folks make "buying decisions" when they are moved emotionally? Other traditional medias have made the most of these principles and taken advantage of them for many years, whether it be a TV commercial or an ad in a magazine. People are emotional beings and people make decisions (either good or bad) when they are emotional. If something causes a customer to become upset, they become angry and try and solve it. If they become upset enough...they'll make a decision to perhaps discontinue your service and hire another service. On a positive side, the TV media bombards us with commercials that try to make an advertisers product seem fun or cute. The "emotional content" tactic is in nearly every advertising and communication media from print to radio to TV and yes, even the web. Emotional content is used to sell everything from fast food to children's toys.
How to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes Member Sites Make in Their Marketing Copy
If you have a web site to which people pay a periodic member fee, it's likely that you belong to other member web sites and have done so for at least a year or two. Thus it's easy for you to overlook the fact that to the average person, member web sites are either a relatively new phenomenon or a completely new phenomenon. It follows that you can't afford any sloppiness or hanging back in making clear to your web site visitors that they are looking at an opportunity to sign up for a paid membership in your web site.
Choosing Form Over Function Kills Your Site
Never put form over function. Why? Because it's crucial that visitors actually be able to USE your site. Everything you do must be designed to be as easy for the visitor to understand as possible. Everything should be functional first.
Copy Editing: 10 Powerful, Mind Blowing Secrets For Writing A High-Impact Ad
No matter what product or service you're promoting, unless you are able to write and use a highly persuasive Ad, you may not generate a lot of traffics and sales.
Double Ad-Trackers Its Not as Crazy as It Sounds Here Are 7 Reasons Why?
A Double Ad Tracker is an Ad-Tracker that points to an AD-Tracker. It may sound a bit like overkill to have an Ad-Tracker Pointing at another Ad-Tracker but it's not crazy.
Your Website Hurts My Eyes: 7 Reasons to Tone Down Your Advertising
So you're on the computer, as usual. Your eyes are smarting. Your back hurts. You want to jump in the car and sail down the highway with all the windows down and your hair flapping in the wind. But before you call it quits for the day, you have to look up just one more thing. Maybe it's web marketing, maybe you want to buy some artwork to hang in your office. Off to Google you go.
Choose & Use the Best Colors
The Psychology of Color
Why is a Logo so Important to Your Business?
Well, a logo for your business. Why is it important? Does it matter what it looks like? Is Yours Professional?
6 Reasons Why Web Templates Are Todays Trend
As the Internet blooms at an alarming rate, so as the number of websites out there. Appearance, layout, presentation and loading times are just a few of the main essential characteristics of a successful website. It would seem that it is generally manageable if you own a wide level of knowledge on web / graphics design. But the main question of today's online trend, is how you can eliminate the need of going through the traditional web designing processes and timeframe.
Event Planning Must Include An Event Website
As part of your event planning you should seriously consider registering a special event domain. That should in fact be the first step for your planning of any event.
Flash Doesnt Always Add Shine to Web Efforts
The trend today to overuse animation in a website's opening pages only serves to confirm that style often overshadows substance. Sometimes a "flash" in the pan ? often courtesy of Macromedia Corp.'s web animation program ? is simply a flash in the pan.
Building a One-page Website
You've designed your logo, and you're ready to print your business cards and other marketing collateral materials. You want to include your website address (also called a URL) to build your credibility. However, you're not quite ready to write and design a full website. At the same time, you don't think it's a good idea to distribute your new printed materials showing your website URL and to have only a blank web page waiting for your potential client's inquiries. What to do?
How to Chose Stock Photography for your Web Site
So you've decided to take the plunge. You know that stock photography is an effective tool for your web business, but where do you start and how do you choose the stock photo that's right for you. Here are some tips to get you started so that you are happy with your choice.
Put Up A Website And Start Promoting In About An Hour
I can't figure out people who have products or information to sell who do not have a website. With some people, it's fear of technology; others just haven't realized that we've entered the electronic age. If you are not in the latter category, and you are reading this article, put up your website today -- it will take you about an hour!
Keyword Density
We can't emphasize enough the importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords are the words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As we've mentioned throughout the site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore, the more keyword-rich content you have, the better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it won't recognize pictures or images.