Web Design Information
Creating a Compelling Headline for Your Private Practice Website
Your home page is the most important page of your website. It is the one that will determine what your potential client or customer does after they arrive (i.e stays at or leaves your website).
Title Tags - How to Make Them More Effective
The title tags of your web pages are more important than most web authors realize. Once you understand why the title is so important, you can easily write more effective title tags.
Custom Web Site Design Strategies
Web site design has certainly, in the past decade, evolved tremendously. More clients now are demanding custom design, as opposed to the 'cookie cutter' sites of yesteryear.
Do You Make These Common (But Deadly) Website Design Mistakes?
Building a website can be overwhelming, here are some design tips to help keep you on the right path (or is that web?)
How To Start An Internet Business ? Designing For Usefulness
The first step to starting any Internet business is conducting keyword research to determine if there is any interest in your idea. Once you identify a need, it?s time to consider what your site should look like.
Create Favorite Icon
Favorite icon appears to the left of your link in either address bar or in favorites menu of your browser. It gives your website more personality, better visibility in favorites menu and is easy to create.
Website Redesign for Existing Websites
Does your website need a re-design? Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are looking for investing in your website redesign.
Website Design Considerations
Q: Should I build and maintain my business Web site myself or pay someone else to do the work for me?
-- Wesley L.
What is ASP.NET
ASP.NET is a new programming framework from Microsoft for developing next generation web Applications. It is a framework built on the Common Language Runtime and introduces a new paradigm to server-side Web development.
Why Not To Use Web Design Templates For Your Website
In today?s age of fast food and high-speed Internet, a business may be tempted to take the ?more convenient? route in launching a website ? buying a template and customising it.
Successful Flash Tips
Ever browse across a website that took ten million years to load or required a road map to find the navigation bar? True, Flash Technology might impress your clients till their eyes fall out. However, Flash Technology requires a skillful balance between gaudy and elegant. We?ve composed some advice on how to make use of Flash Technology without turning your mainstream prospects away.
7 Ways of Building Customers Trust With Your Web Site
When I purchase something from a web site I first check who
is behind this site. If there is no contact information or
anything about the owner of the site or his/her company I
move on.
10 Ways to Sabotage Your Website Traffic and Send Visitors Packing
If you?re running a website or online business, your number one goal should be to build traffic. The following are ten ways to drive traffic away from your site. Make sure you aren?t making these mistakes.
How to Hire a Web Designer/Programmer for Your Website
Hire a designer or a programmer for your website is a daunting for any business entrepreneur. Remember that you?re the important part of a design process. It is your decision makes the final outcome or success of a website. Your website is a one which works better and sells your products and have good feel for the visitors.
Technology vs. Usability
When JV Media Design was formed, the year was 1995 and the Internet was a very different place than it is today.
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3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website
Before you start worrying about marketing your website on the internet it always pays dividends to look at the website itself and get the fundamentals right before looking to shout about it from the virtual mountain-tops.
The Technology May Change, But Human Nature Remains The Same
Let me repeat that..
Quality of Your Text Layout and Design
Why is the quality of your text layout and design important on your web site? For the simple reason that people tends to stay longer on a web site that radiates quality and simplicity.
When Good Computers Go Bad
Remember the day that you got your new computer (or the hand-me down from Uncle Larry) and you pulled that shiny case out of the box? Once you finally had all of the cables properly mangled into an unmanageable ball, you powered on, the screen lit up and off you went. The PC was fast, programs loaded in the blink of an eye, and Internet surfing was a breeze. Those were the days.
Moving Things Around
How often, men, have you come home to find the living room furniture in different places? Your wife said she was ready for something different, so she moved some things around. It may have been inconvenient at first, but deep inside it felt good to have things a little different at home. Maybe by moving the couch over there it made the room seem bigger. By moving the TV over on that wall gave the room a sense of coziness.
Make it Clear What Your Website is About
Just about every list of the "Top 10 Web Design Mistakes" includes at least one reference to either
Effective Web Design Usability Principles
Website Design Usability Tips
Excellently Constructed Websites
Want to see an excellently constructed website? As a writer I found one of my favorite writers: (Paulo Coelho) has a site that could inspire anyone who wants to create a more humanistic presence on the Web.
Website Registration Roadmap - How to Create Your Own Website in 7 Easy Steps
Creating your own website is actually easy in today's world of affordable and free web hosts and website building software. Fortunately, even if you have no Internet experience at all you can simply follow directions and build your own website in seven easy steps. Just follow the steps below and before you know it you will have your very own website online.
Web Designing Tips
Easy That's how you'd like life to be, right? Especially when you're creating a website on your own. But that doesn't mean you want the site to look severe and just functional. you want it to be pretty , smart and also respond and move when you interact with it, while saying all that you want to say to its visitors . There are little tips and Features incorporated into software just for people like you.
Five Common Web Design Mistakes
There are often many mistakes encountered when creating a webpage or website. Learn about the top five website mistakes, and how to avoid them.
How To Increase Your Conversion Rate or What Most People Miss When It Comes To Optimization
Everybody talks about the importance of testing your sales copy or a page layout. After all, proper testing can help you modify your page in a way that will drastically increase your conversion rate.
Using CCS to Eliminate Tables
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets has opened up tremendous possibilities for improving web site designs, web page layouts and adding new features. The HTML code can be made shorter, cleaner and simpler by CSS resulting in faster loading of web pages, and making them more accessible to search engines. Here I am narrating my experience with only one part of CSS - using it to eliminate tables.
Web Marketing: Design Mistakes That Drive Customers Away In Droves
They may look cutting edge, but if you want a web site that contributes to your bottom line here are some design ideas you will want to avoid:
Concentrate On Web Content Instead Of Search Engine Optimization
For many webmasters the title of my article may seem like bad advice and contradict what most search engine experts say and advocate. However the proof is in the pudding. As a webmaster with 4 websites trust me when I tell you that I haven't got a clue how to optimize my web pages in order to be on the first page for a particular search phrase. Instead I work on adding new content to my web sites. This technique has allowed me to consistently earn 4 figures a month in additional income and usually I start making money within 3 weeks of making my websites.
Website Polls For You And Your Visitors
Setting up a survey on your site is extremely simple and many times just as beneficial, for two main reasons. One, they let you create a more interactive website for your visitor. Choose interesting topics, poll opinions on recent events related to your site, and people will participate to find out what other people on your site think. Second, if you write your surveys in a way that keeps them interesting and useful to yourself you can gather important information about your visitors in order to build a site better tailored to their interests.
7 Web Site Design Mistakes That Will Lose You Clients
In today's world, a web site is virtually mandatory for any successful business. But there are web sites that will win you customers, and there are web sites that will lose you customers. Good design has a lot to do with which category your web site will fall into. But what is it that makes good or bad web site design? In my personal opinion, a good web site is one that's simple, informative and gives me a reason to come back frequently. That's what you should get from a good web designer/writer team. Bad sites, on the other hand, are complicated to use, slow loading, confusing or just plain annoying. Here's a list of my personal top 7 turn-offs as far as web site design is concerned:
Web Crimes: how to avoid common website design mistakes
Thinking about designing your own website? Think again about adding any of these "features"?
So Much About META Tags!
I've written about META tags in the past, and I thought I'd help you expand your search engine optimization efforts and increase your web hits.
10 Reasons Why You Need A Multilingual Website
The internet continues to grow and has become the default point of call for businesses and individuals searching for goods, services or information. For businesses wishing to get that competitive advantage, a multilingual website now presents one of the most high impact means of expanding a client base and securing greater sales volumes.