Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Information
The Modern Day Search Engine
The first task most netizens do when they log on to the internet is to visit their favorite search engine to find information on various topics. Over the past few years the search engine has evolved to do more than list available websites on an entered subject. The modern day search engine has tools to help the user accomplish a vast array of everyday task.
Selecting The Title Of Your Link Exchanges
I want to touch base with selecting the title of the links that are added to other sites. Adding your link on another site is very important for your search engine saturation and rankings.
Search Engine Marketing: Are You Accidentally Hiding From Potential Customers?
You may be hiding if the search engines can?t ?see? all of your site?s relevant content.
Press Releases Can Increase Search Engine Positioning
When you write a press release, what is your ultimate goal? No doubt, getting the information to as many publications and on as many Web sites as possible. The focus lies in moving outward? taking the press release to as many *other* sources as possible. We buy lists of journalists, pay public relations companies to distribute the release to thousands of targeted leads, use online press release distribution services, and create our own in-house list of reporters to touch base with. This is
Internet 2005: The Ten Billions Pages Search Engines
To see each and every page during 10 seconds would take 694 days 24/24.
The leading search engines fight to be the first that oversteps this level.
In the meantime the key word "sex" has been typed about 20'000'000 times on the entire web and Google found 333'000'000 results for this query in January 2005.
Getting Your Site Seen By Search Engines
Is your website listed on search engines? When people search for you, does your site show up on page 1 or page 20 of the search engine results?
Optimizing For Visitors Not Search Engines
Most people feel that optimizing is to target the search engines alone. In my opinion, this is not the only case. Optimization requires a balance of traffic enhancements and a user friendly atmosphere that provides clear navigation. Most will agree it would be much better to have people accept offerings from a Site, rather than masses of people who do nothing. Here are some general tips and thought to make pages user-friendly.
Diary of a Google Gazumpee
Back in November, when the Google Dance began, Barry Lloyd of wrote an article entitled "Been Gazumped by Google?" GAZUMPED! What a wonderfully descriptive term. In fact, it succinctly describes what happened to us when our website went from #1 to oblivion a few months ago.
Search Engine Updates vs. SEO
Webmasters always anxiously wait for a search engine update. Those who rank well want to see their sites
get even better. Those who didn't do well expect a major boost. Those whose sites get de-indexed anticipate
a major comeback. Those who just started new sites bet on their sites will make into the first page of
search engine result pages (SERPs) for their targeting keywords. Of course, not everyone will be happy about
the results of search engine updates. After all, search engine traffic is a zero-sum game - someone loses
and someone gains. Then, the webmasters start preparing for next update.
Pay-per-click ? the Ultimate Tool to Boost Affiliate Sales
The old ways are not always the best ways.
Five FAQ About Google PageRank
Five FAQ about Google PageRank
SEO Expert Guide - Ongoing Monitoring of Results (part 9/10)
In the Guide, you have, so far, learnt how to plan for and execute a search engine optimization and promotion strategy. However, this is not a one-off process, but an ongoing and iterative process, where you tweak and refine towards ever better ranking.
SEO Expert Guide - Black Hat SEO - Activities to avoid (part 8/10)
In parts 1 - 7, you learnt how to develop your proposition, identify your key words and optimize and promote (for free) your site and pages on the world's search engines. You were also introduced to our mythical Doug (who sells antique doors, door handles, knockers, door bells or pulls and fitting services) in Windsor in the UK.
Website Promotion: 10 Search Engine Optimization Blunders to Avoid
If you want to develop a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, go out of your way to avoid blunders that limit rankings.
SEO Expert Guide - Free Site Promotion (PR) (part 6/10)
In parts 1 - 5 you learnt how to develop your proposition, identify your key words and optimize your site and pages. You were also introduced to our mythical Doug (who sells antique doors, door handles, knockers, door bells or pulls and fitting services) in Windsor in the UK.
More Articles from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Information:
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The Benefits of Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
If you're going to sell any type of product or service online, you're eventually going to have to optimize your Web site for the Search Engines, in order to boost traffic and sales.
A Simple White Hat Technique To Get Indexed By Google
Everybody knows that getting indexed in Google is getting more and more difficult each day and every body is looking for that edge over the competition.
When Google PR Tool Bar is Down!
Where is the need to worry? Who needs a PR Tool Bar Anyway!
Designing a Website So the Search Engines Will Like You
Before you go and spend big money on a professional website designer, or start designing yourself, read through this article and make sure that you or your designer knows how to design a website that the search engines will like.
SEO, the Simplified Version
Lets get things straight. SEO is a very competitive market. If you have the time to promote your site and have the energy to work hard to get a good PR then this is for you. I have read many books on SEO and tried to get the best tactics to use. If you have already built a website there are two things you need to do. First is ON PAGE optimizing and the second is OFF Page optimizing. On page is basically getting your meta tags and description tags similar to the pages that you have built. One key thing to remember is try to use tags with the keywords in your content. For example: if you have keywords like "SEO consultant" in you content you should bold it and put alt tags around it. Try to do this to each keyword per paragraph, don't over do it then google will think you're a spammer. Build pages according to you keywords and description tags.
Analyzing Googles Backlinks Is Close To Worthless
3.5 Tips To Help You Avoid Becoming The Next Search Engine Outlaw
Want to avoid being blacklisted by the search engines and banished to the sin bin never to receive a single search engine visitor ever again? Thought so. Here's some tips to help you..
Why Does The Link Page Have A PR Zero?
For beginners, link exchange campaigns can be a minefield of problems. For example, here is a question I was asked:
Ten Critical Website and Search Engine Promotion Mistakes
When it comes to promoting your website, you might think that anything you can do to get people to your website is worthwhile. However, you should think again because some shady practices will actually hurt you. Also, other SEO tactics could reduce the amount of potential visitors simply because you do not have a clear understanding of how the Internet and search engines work. Read the following tips on what not to do when promoting your website and if you are doing some of these things stop immediately and learn how to effectively promote your site.
Work With The Search Engines - Dont try to Outsmart the Search Engines
Contrary to the claims of high-priced SEO firms, optimizing your web site for search engines is not brain surgery. But you must first accept the fact that "spiders" - the search engine programs that read web pages - run away from non-HTML code. This is why the first thing any SEO expert does - before researching keywords or rewriting your copy - is look at your web site code.
Beat Google?s Dampening Link Filter with SEO Articles
Most Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts agree that links back to your site have a great impact on your ranking in the major search engines. Think of it like an election; your site is a candidate and every link to your site is a vote. Of course, it was never quite that simple (high ranking, relevant sites have more voting power) but now it may have gotten even more complicated.
How to Make a Title Tag that Search Engines Will Love
Making the following changes to your title tag can help improve ranking and increase targeted traffic to your website:
Do-It-Yourself Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is big business. If you rely on search engines to bring visitors to your business website, you need to rely on more than luck. Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search engine results.
Search Engine Marketing: Choosing Keyword Phrases
Selecting the right keyword phrases is the key to a successful search engine marketing campaign.
How Google Indexes Content From Your Web Directory
In a fluke, I was able to notice something about the way Google indexes content from web directories. Excluding your template, the most important line of code is the first title you add to your main body.
5 Qualities to Look for in a Search Engine Optimization Program for Your Website
These days with millions of websites out there, you need a way to get noticed. When your company website is ranked highly in the major search engines, customers from all over the world can find your front door. suddenly, your virtual storefront becomes prime business property and you are making sales 24/7.
Its All in the Title
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. You may be the most intelligent writer in the world, and have breaking information, which, if people actually read it, would benefit them and their business.
How Do I Submit My Site To Search Engines?
You've built up a good site, put in a lot of content, but none of the search engines lists your site? If you'd like to know how to go ahead with Search Engine Submission the right way, read on.
Google ? A Bit of History
The first question most people have is, "What the heck is a "Google?" It is a play on the word "googol," which is the mathematical figure 1 followed by 100 zeros. Depending on the level of your love for math, this is either the greatest or lamest name for a search engine. Regardless, the clever kids at Google have turned it into a cultural standard.
Google Love - Five Top Tips To Make Google Love Your Site
1. Google love ...