Web Development Information
Product Promoting: Getting The Response
When you publish a content site there are times when affiliate products are not the only products you want to recommend.
Your Website Should Be Selling
It may come as some surprise to a traditionally off-line business that their website should be attracting new sales, or at least supporting the sales they have made. There is a common misconception that a website is more of a cost than an asset. When I ask companies why they would like a website the common answer is, ?I don?t know?? It seems to me that having a website is more of a reflex than something that is planned to help grow sales for the company. In other words, ?Every business has one, I should too.?
High Quality Website at Low Cost
Although designing a great web site is an important part of developing a successful online business, it is often becomes a problem for newcomers to the internet business.
Whats Your Business Online Attitude?
This article was prompted by some customer support work I was involved in for a private members site. One of the paid subscription members wanted someone to look over his website and give an opinion of what we thought of its design.
35% Revenue Increase? from Your Website!
2 Golden Rules for an Engaging Website
Why Every Small Business Owner Needs Two Websites
Every small business owner knows that they need a website, right? Well the truth is what they really need is at least two websites.
How One Word Or Even One Letter Can Boost Conversion Rates By Over 400%!
Recently I was reviewing the keyword specific conversion rate data of a consulting client of mine. I have been working with this client for a few months now, helping her improve the sales conversion rate of her website and we have had very good results, taking average conversion rates at her site from below 1% to just over 4.3%.
Website Survival Guide
In the big, wide online world there are millions of websites and billions of webpages. In the increasing sprawl of this virtual jungle there must be an evolution. Some of these webpages must grow stronger and thrive whilst others will weaken and die.
You Cant Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!
Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread on the internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand what the internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it.
You Dont Know Which One
I still remember it very clear ... It was almost a decade ago that I wrote it in my notebook as an interesting quotation from a famous man at that time and even now and ever. Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet president, shared this so-called joke with some reporters: "Mitterand has 100 lovers. One has AIDS, but he doesn't know which one. Bush has 100 bodyguards. One is a terrorist, but he doesn't know which one. Gorbachev has 100 economic advisers. One is smart, but he doesn't know which one!"
Have You Got Your Ear To The Ground Or Your Head In The Sand?
What happened on your website yesterday? What about last week or last month? How about in the past hour? How many visitors come to your website as a result of using a search engine? How long do people stay on your website for on average? Which pages do your visitors go to?
The Road to Better Results
A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo has definitely managed to take away some of Google?s oomph over the past twelve months. Another important change is that the intelligence of the search engine spiders and algorithms has increased dramatically. So without further ado, I will present you with a standard search engine optimizing process.
10 Tips For A Successful Website
Have you ever thought the secret behind the success of most of the famous sites. Do you ask yourself these questions. Why do they get so many clicks?Why they are making so much money and i am not?Why only few web sites succeed and most of others fail?Just stop questioning and start reading.
For Newer Sites, Web Marketing Depends On Titles & Links!
We all start out the same. Some have budgets, some don't. The one true factor out there is that we all want to expose our business. For 99% of us, starting out in the world of web marketing means a few things:
A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough!
The big thing these days is your ability to capture the market. So how do you do that?
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Making The Business Case For Web Standards
Through the explosive growth of the Web, companies have realized the benefit of building a strong online presence. By publishing a website to the Internet, companies are able to build their brand, market their products, support existing customers, release publicity pieces, and even take orders. Lost in the feverish pace of growth however, has been an eye on the effect that their current web-building practices have on the bottom line and the future of their online presence. Not only does the website content itself have an impact on the company's income but so does the way the site itself is created.
Website Value - Whats Your Business Website Worth?
If you were asked to put a value on your website what would it be? Perhaps you paid a small fortune and commissioned a top design agency to build it. It would still be worth at least what you paid for it, right?
Ten Quick Tests To Check Your Website For Accessibility
The Disability Discrimination Act says that websites must be made accessible to disabled people. So how can you check that your website is up to par? There are a number of basic tests you can make to address some of the main issues that provide a good start in increasing accessibility to your site visitors:
What is Blogger.com?
In the late 1990's three San Francisco based web developers came up with the idea of being able to share information about anything on the web. The terminology they used was called blog. It's use was considered a mix of web page / personal journal. It's original usages were vast and wide, but more and more people came to use them as a personal tool that is available anywhere the Internet is. The three friends would eventually create Blogger.com one of the largest blogger sites on the Internet today. Blogger, which stands for Web Logger, has increased in popularity over the past three years. There has been so much interest in what capabilities it holds Google.com purchased them. Eventually, Google assimilated their technologies and imported them into the popular plug-in, The Google Toolbar.
Allocating Your Web Site?s Budget Properly
I had a client say something to me the other day that I thought was rather interesting. He mentioned that he almost considers SEO as a marketing expense even though its really a web expense. It was then that I realized that many people still do not consider what they do with their website as part of their marketing plan but as, well, just something else.
Art, Artists and the Web: Part 3--What to Put on an Artist?s Website
What to put your the website if you are an artist.
Make Your Artist Website Sell!
Making Your Websites More Compelling
The Internet is a remarkable publishing medium. With just a little effort, you can make your web pages visually irresistible by playing with color, shapes and text. Whether your websites are already launched or you're ready to create your first few, use the 3 simple steps below to kick things up a notch and make your sites professional and appealing.
Product Promoting: Getting The Response
When you publish a content site there are times when affiliate products are not the only products you want to recommend.
Guide to Internet Business - Website Setup
After planning the design and content of your website, it's time to actually physically set up your website. This is the step where you put all your designs and plans into action, creating a website that will attract visitors and earn income.
How to Get Your Website In Front of Thousands of Customers At No Cost To You!
Dan Kennedy once said that if you can't make money without money? then? you won't make money with money either.
You Cant Just Build A Website And Hope It Works!
Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread on the internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand what the internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it.
How to Create Sizzling Sales online
"Don't Sell the Steak, Sell the Sizzle."
Effective Webdesign
The Basics
Website Sales: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You
You've put up a website to promote a product or service.
How Improving Your Sites Usability Can Increase Your Buyers by 40% and Boost Each Order By 10%!
With all of the factors involved in designing and building a web site, one of the most influential questions is often overlooked:
If You Build It, They Will Come?
Building a new website can be a lengthy task. From scratch to the client's specification and then implement additional features and/or changes the client usually has. Sometimes far too much attention is put to the development of building the website and then on launch day expect the massess of visitors to flood in. This simply is not the case, unless you have traffic from another of your sites streaming over to the new one.
The Dos and Donts of Launching a Small Business Website
Launching a new small business website is often a long and painstaking process. And for most small businesses, the endeavor rarely ends in success. The terrain is mapped with freelancers, firms, and consultants that don't offer the same services and most certainly don't charge the same prices. Projects are often riddled with unclear expectations, missed deadlines, and ridiculous hourly rates. What's worse is that many developers have the audacity to ask for even more money halfway through the project. Even after all of the hard work is complete, most companies don't even see a return on investment.
User Interface Design: Key to Achieve Best Web Development
From early days of www, the Internet sites that are added day by day are increasing tremendously. When you will consider this pool of web, may be they are about computers, industry, entertainment, search engines, fashion, organizational or even individual, all of these sites are concerned about one major part of web development apart from the logic or programming efforts behind it is 'User Interface Design'.
Art, Artists, and the Web:Part: 2--First Steps in Building an Artist?s Website
What you should do and know if you are an artist and you have decided to have a website.