Web Development Information
Freelance Programming is Easy to Manage
There are several reverse bid freelance sites out there. Beyond the big ones, smaller ones are popping up each day. With the variety of places for a programmer to go and look for work the review systems in place on these sites don?t count for as much as they did at one point in time. If you are thinking about getting a project off the ground and using a freelancer there are some basic rules you should go by.
Website Conversion Rate: More Keywords Equals More Sales
Your website conversion rate should concern you. This simply refers to how many visitors to your website it takes before you make a sale. It is called conversion because you are 'converting' a casual visitor into a buyer. Website conversion should concern you because when you can increase the rate at which your website visitors convert into buyers, you make more money without increase your costs. Let me explain.
Ever Wondered What Challenges Other People With Their Web Site?
Have you ever wondered what challenges are faced by other webmasters and owners in the design and promotion of their websites, well I certainly have and so I decided to try and find out.
Allocating Your Web Site?s Budget Properly
I had a client say something to me the other day that I thought was rather interesting. He mentioned that he almost considers SEO as a marketing expense even though its really a web expense. It was then that I realized that many people still do not consider what they do with their website as part of their marketing plan but as, well, just something else.
Your Website Reflects Your Business
Some left shoes are in isle 5, while the right shoes are in isle 3. Shoe hills are in random places. You can barely walk through the store without stumbling over a shoe.
Credibility - 10 Ways to Build it on Your Website
If you have your own business website and you are trying to sell something, then it is imperative that you are able to establish and maintain credibility. Why is this important? If you are going to ask someone to make a purchase from you, then you need to show them why they should purchase from you rather then your competitor on another site.
Frequent Business Question: How Do You Start a Web Business?
Today it seems everyone is jumping on the entrepreneur
bandwagon, and who could blame them? Setting your own
schedule, working from the comfort of your own home, and
never having to deal with a horrible commute or office
politics again, this option is quite popular among all ages.
With the advent of the technology age, it seems more
individuals are looking to the internet to provide them
with goods or services. Without having to leave your
computer to shop for whatever your heart desires, web
businesses have boomed over the past decade. More popular
than ever, starting your own web business is an excellent
way to earn an extra income or replace your current income.
However, many individuals who wish to begin this new chapter
in their lives do not have any experience in starting or
running a business, spurring them to ask the question: how
do you start a web business? The answer is: easy! All you
need is a computer, internet connection, and a dream and
you are halfway there.
HTML Editors 101 - Smaller Is Better
You Need a Website!
No matter the size of your business, having a web site is a low cost way to market your services and products twenty-four hours a day. Web sites are a constant advertisement for your business and will help you reach your targeted customers effectively. Your business will not be able to compete without a well-designed web site. There are several key elements to consider when you make the decision to start a new web site:
You Don?t Have to be Amazon.com to Achieve 12% Conversion Rates!
That?s right. According to a recent study by Nielsen/NetRatings, Amazon.com converts 12.8% of its visitors into sales.
The Most Important Aspect of Writing Web Copy
There is an ongoing debate about web copy. Some say that it should be similar to direct mail copy. Others state that is should be written in a more editorial, news offering style. However, both styles work. Both styles generate thousands of dollars of money for the website owners. Why is this?
What Your Customers Say About YOUR Site! Part 1
The following is a list of patterns that many visitors follow, and you can use these suggestions to better your site.
Instant Relevant Web Site Content - No Its Not a Bot
In about the Time it takes to Watch a Reality TV Show
(About 1 Hour) I added 10 Pages of Relevant Content to my
Web Page without a Bot.
Eight Deadly Web Site Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Creating and maintaining an effective presence on the Web has become increasingly complex and challenging as the power of the Internet as a marketing tool becomes more and more necessary to entrepreneurs and emerging businesses.
Web Analytics - Getting it Right
Understanding and using web analytics.
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9 Simple Steps to Create a Background Tiled Image Branded with Your Name
You have seen those web pages where they have the name of the Name Web repeated over over over in square tiles as the background. Now by following these 9 Simple steps you too can create a web page Branded with your Name, or Company Name.
What YOU Should Know Before Getting A Web Site!
Everyday thousands of new businesses make the leap and take their business on line, what about yours? If you haven't already, I'll bet you have thought about it and wondered how much more business you could be doing if you just went on line?and right about then, you wonder what it would take to get your business on line?
Building eCommerce Websites that Work - Part 3
An interesting eCommerce success factor that isn't precisely overlooked, but which is often thought about more in terms of being a way of feeding the search engine spiders has to do with providing content. In a very real sense the customer's job is to consume. That's why you're in business.
Website Success is Key
The popular search engine Google indexes over 8 billion websites. Is one of them yours, or is your website just floating around in cyberspace and you're hoping your customers will just find you? Is your website a benefit to your organization or company? Is it just an expensive showpiece or is it of true value?
Web Coach Tip: What You Should Know About DIY Web Sites
Recently, a friend asked "What's the deal with those DIY companies that advertise "How to get a website with everything your business needs for under $20 bucks a month?". "How can they do that?" she said.
Your Biggest Mistake When You Create a Website?
PHP Redirect
A PHP Redirect automatically transfers a web user from one URL to another. For example, typing foo.com in the browser automatically transfers the user to another URL bar.com.
Web Analytics - Getting it Right
Understanding and using web analytics.
Create Huge Income From Your Web Site - 10 Easy Ways
The cost of setting up a web site is dirt cheap nowadays. You can register a domain for less than $2.00 as I write this (for .info domains). Hosting is also very cheap, and getting cheaper all the time.
10 Tips For Running A Profitable Web Site
1. Address your targeted audience on your business site. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". If you have more than one, address them all.
FREE Amber Alert Tickers for Your Website
Project Safekids provides webmasters a valuable tool which could save a child's life. Add our Amber Alert Ticker to your website today.
5 Essential Traits Of A Home Business Website
So you've decided to start an online work at home business and are just beginning to build your website. You probably have a million different ideas for what you want the site to look like. You will want to take into consideration that your idea of a great website may differ drastically from what a website designed to make sales should be like.
CSS - Maximum Benefits
What is CSS?
Enhance Your Website With A Yahoo-Style Directory
Does your website have a links/resources page?
Business Website Building Do?s and Don?ts
First, using a lot of web graphics, flash, banners and pictures on your home page may make it look fancy or cool; but it will slow down the loading time extensively. And lets be real here, most people that look at your web page will leave if it doesn't load in 3 seconds or less. Because most people are naturally impatient. If they click on a banner or link that leads to your home page, they expect to see it the second they click, all of it. Not too many people will sit there and wait for your web graphics, flash intro, banners or 30 pictures to load. Keep in mind that not all visitors computers will load pages as fast as yours may. Set your screen resolution at 800x600, or at least put a notice on your page what resolution your site is best viewed in, because people hate to have to scroll back and forth to read from side to side.
Email Addresses in Web Pages
You want to give your site's visitors a way to contact you by email but don't want your emali address to be abused. Here are a few ways to protect your email address when building your website.
Five Essential Questions to Answer Before Creating Your First (or second...or third) Website
Right after the thought, "I need a website," people usually say, "I need a web designer!" Actually, before even whispering "web design," you need to answer these five questions in as much detail as possible. Once you're clear on your strategy, you can provide better information to your web designer. And most likely you'll be pleased with your new home on the web.
CPanel Fantastico - Features and Benefits
Fantastico is a 3rd-party cPanel add-on and can be purchased and added to the standard cPanel interface. Fantastico allows you to quickly install a variety of open-source scripts. By selecting a script and providing some basic information for each, you can install a script within minutes. Fantastico is designed so that the script you install is always the newest available.
Getting One-way Inbound Links: the 5 Major Strategies
With search engines putting a damper on direct reciprocal links, the hunt for the elusive one-way inbound link is on.
The Power Of CPanel
cPanel is a control panel for your website and allows you to set up and manage your web account through a graphical interface instead of having to use command line. This means that you can make changes to your website without having to learn to use a command line environment. There are a variety of control panels out there, most offering a graphical interface and granting access to email management, FTP, subdomain administration, website statistics, etc. With a control panel, you can add/remove email accounts or view disk usage and statistics for your site by clicking on a shortcut and entering the appropriate information.