Web Development Information
Direct Sales and Your Corporate Website - A Creative Marketing Plan that Works!
Creatively marketing your corporate site takes time in the set up but you will learn that building your customers isn't about marketing your products but getting your name and reputation into the minds of internet customers.
Up The Sandbox!
Go to any internet marketing forum you want these days and
one of the topics is sure to be whether or not there is a
"sandbox" at Google where new sites are forced to come and
play for 3-6 months before joining the ranks of ranked and
searched results. On the surface it would appear that this
is so. New sites are typically taking a long time to get
indexed and even longer to show up in the search results.
So hence, the sandbox theory. Let's examine some possible
reasons and more importantly, our reaction to it.
Streamline your Business Website with a Content Management System
I talk with so many people who have small businesses and would like to have a web presence but don't know the first thing about how to even get started. Some of the reasons I hear are:
Developing State-enabled Applications With PHP
Installment 1
Developing A Login System With PHP And MySQL
Most interactive websites nowadays would require a user to log in into the website?s system in order to provide a customized experience for the user. Once the user has logged in, the website will be able to provide a presentation that is tailored to the user?s preferences.
Let Marketing Manage Your Website Content
The definition of the phrase ?Content Management? depends on what the organization may need or a vendor may offer. There is no general purpose or standard content management system that can satisfy today's diverse business needs across the board. And so, factors for successfully implementing a content management system vary depending on individual business needs.
Effectively Using Robots Meta Tags
The "robots" meta tag, when used properly, will tell the search engine spiders whether or not to index and follow a particular page. For the purposes of this article, we will be using the "( )" symbols to represent the "" in html coding.
Websites for Writers ? Why You Need One and How to Get Started Today
It may seem like the publishing industry?s equivalent of Beanie Baby madness- everyone is talking about writer?s websites. Freelancers and authors everywhere are jumping on the bandwagon, publishing sites to promote themselves and their work. This craze leaves many writers wondering if it?s just a fad or if it?s really worth the expense and effort. While it may seem like an overwhelming or frivolous endeavor, there are some solid business reasons why you should consider setting up your own website.
The Web: Your Window of Opportunity
Thinking about starting up a business? The web is the way to go. Look around! More and more, people are relying on the internet as an information resource, a way to foster personal relationships, and method of purchasing goods and services.
Does Your Business Really Need A Website?
Website, website, website, everyone says you need one. But
do you really? It all depends. It depends on your market,
business objectives, and even your comfort level and if you
are willing to step outside of it.
Do You Really Need A Website To Succeed
Rosalind wants to share her inspirational poetry with a wider community. Alas, poor Rosalind lives in a remote town.
Do Authors Need a Website?
?I am a writer, not a business-person. I don?t want to have anything at all to do with business,? you might think. But how mistaken you can be. As a writer of two books, I discovered the amazing opportunities available to someone who has a website.
6 Steps To Your Own Website
A lot of people these days are interested in getting their own place on the world wide web. Whether itīs a personal site like a blog, or a business site, they all need to have a decent plan before they get started.
Having a Domain Name And Web Site Gives Your Business The Key To The Door
Just like all things in life, the ways to run a business are rapidly changing and evolving. The potential involved with having a domain name/web site is staggering to say the least. A web site gives the consumer a ?shop front? that is not only open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but is also situated right on their desktop. Instead of being locked into only the immediate area, the whole world?s marketplace becomes your sphere of interaction.
Where on Earth is Your Websitee?
You've just finished congratulating your marketing team. After six months of concentrated effort you can now actually find your own company web site within the search engines. Everyone is busy handshaking and back patting when a voice from the back of the room rises above the din. "Yeah this is great! Can't wait until we can find ourselves on wireless devices."
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Tips to Protect Your Downloads or Products
1. Upload robots.txt file in to your root directory and include the folder name where you set your downloads.
Building eCommerce Websites that Work - Part 3
An interesting eCommerce success factor that isn't precisely overlooked, but which is often thought about more in terms of being a way of feeding the search engine spiders has to do with providing content. In a very real sense the customer's job is to consume. That's why you're in business.
Make Your Own Website - General Website Design Tips
Wow, we`ve already taken a domain and chosen a web host. Great job ! Now it`s time for something special: making your own website. You could`ve completed this step before, but at the time you`d had finished it, the domain name could`ve been taken. We don`t want any complications right ?
Ever Wondered What Challenges Other People With Their Web Site?
Have you ever wondered what challenges are faced by other webmasters and owners in the design and promotion of their websites, well I certainly have and so I decided to try and find out.
Cost Effective and Powerful Dynamic Websites w. Fantastico Web Hosting
If you are developing your website on a host that charges less that $5 a month, make plenty of backups as you are likely to loose your website files when the webhost goes out of business without notice. Indeed, be extremely wary of any such host. Once your website is attracting getting visitors, get your website hosted with host that does not foolishly try to over sell his server resources. And, expect to pay at least $15 a month or more for the added security and reliability of such a host.
Functions and Subroutines in ASP
If you read our Tutorial on Include Files (SSI) then you learned how to encapsulate ASP code within include files and the benefits it brings us. As developers, we should endeavour to make our lives easier wherever possible... no one wants to re-invent the wheel after all. Functions and Subroutines exist to not only save us time, but to bring power to our ASP. They are just another way of encapsulating code, but have a lot more functionality than just 'saving some code for later'. First, let's look at Functions... Imagine a balloon salesman in the street. We've all seen them they require one piece of information when you buy a balloon, the colour. Let say we asked for a red balloon... The balloon salesman armed with this 'information' then does a pretty basic action... he hands you the balloon. The balloon you received is a direct result of the information you gave the balloon seller. Functions are just the same... they return to you a value based on the information you provided. Lets look at an example Function: - <% Function getBalloon(strColour) Dim Tempstr strColour = lcase(strColour) 'This converts the value lowercase. Select Case strColour Case "red" Tempstr = "Here is your red balloon" Case "yellow" Tempstr = "Here is your yellow balloon" Case "green" Tempstr = "Here is your green balloon" Case "blue" Tempstr = "Here is your blue balloon" Case Else Tempstr = "Sorry, we have sold out of that Colour" End Select getBalloon = Tempstr End Function%>
Make Your Communication Come Alive
Design and layout can make your communication come alive and your message immediately apparent. Now, with so much technology at hand, design becomes much easier, but you must develop the ability to plan and visualize what you want to convey. Then decide what will appeal to your readers and help them understand the material.
How To Start Your Own Website
I'm one of those people that always wanted a website, but had no clue as to using the internet. I could check my email and that was about it. I never heard of ISP, FTP or all those other "words".
Achieving Differentiation With Your Website
Internet Marketing is not a miracle marketing strategy ? competition still exists and you need to have a unique approach with regards to:
Developing A Login System With PHP And MySQL
Most interactive websites nowadays would require a user to log in into the website's system in order to provide a customized experience for the user. Once the user has logged in, the website will be able to provide a presentation that is tailored to the user's preferences.
5 Ways to Build a Website
If you are like me you have wanted to build a website but didn't know how!
The Number One Reason Most Websites Fail
Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. For the purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers. Yeah - positive feedback from your website visitors is great but let's face it - we're all in this ultimately to make more money.
The Secret Benefit Of Accessibility: Part 2 - A Higher Search Engine Ranking
An additional benefit of website accessibility is an improved performance in search engines. The more accessible it is to search engines, the more accurately they can predict what the site's about, and the higher your site will appear in the rankings.
Revealing the Firefox Secret Used by Top Web Developers and Power-Browsers
Profiles are one of the best kept secrets around regarding Mozilla Firefox (my browser of choice).
Flash Deadly Sins (That Can Kill Your Web Business)
Looks like every client wants a Flash site these days but the reality is...as flashy as these sites may look, there are many negatives you may want to consider before delving into Flash.
The Power Of CPanel
cPanel is a control panel for your website and allows you to set up and manage your web account through a graphical interface instead of having to use command line. This means that you can make changes to your website without having to learn to use a command line environment. There are a variety of control panels out there, most offering a graphical interface and granting access to email management, FTP, subdomain administration, website statistics, etc. With a control panel, you can add/remove email accounts or view disk usage and statistics for your site by clicking on a shortcut and entering the appropriate information.
The Importance of Website Stats to You
One of the best tools you have as a webmaster is your website statistics. The most popular site stats programs are Awstats, Webalizer, and Analog. Usually, they come free of charge and are accessible through your website's control panel provided by your web host.
10 Things You Should Be Monitoring On Your Website
Every business needs to know how it is doing. That's the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming ? or being able to stop the slide.
Website Sales: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You
You've put up a website to promote a product or service.
Trinkets, Lockets And Empty Pockets
It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad-- nothing!