Web Development Information
Web Site Optimization: How To Speed Up Your Web Site By Minimizing Your GIF and PNG Image Bit-Depth
Are bloated images slowing down your web site and causing you lost business? Images comprise over 50% of the average web page so putting them on a diet is essential to improving web performance. One of the best ways to optimize GIFs and PNGs is to minimize the ?bit-depth? or the number of colors within your images.
5 Tips For A Better Website
Having an eye catching website is great, but are you optimizing your website to allow the best performance possible? I receive several emails a day from clients asking how they can get more hits to their websites, what can be done to increase sales, and how to prepare their sites for search engines. There are very simple things that can be done to help your website perform its best.
10 Things You Should Be Monitoring On Your Website
Every business needs to know how it is doing. That's the idea behind exit surveys, customer feedback forms, suggestion boxes and other devices. Without feedback from the customer, monitoring inventory, expenses, revenue and other benchmarks, a business can take a quick slide down a slippery slope, without the owner ever seeing it coming ? or being able to stop the slide.
Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site
Conceptualize, Build and Publish a Web site - What's required to get started
Profitable Websites for Exclusive Industries
In the region where my company is located, South Bend, Indiana, the demand for web design and associated services could be described as: leery. It?s not that the locale is horribly lacking evolvement technologically; rather that so many proprietors in this area are very uncertain as to what the internet can do and how they can go about forming profitable web sites for their exclusive industries.
Why You Need A Web Site
"I have a small business with just a couple of employees and I don?t think my product can really be sold online. Do I need a web site?"
Making The Business Case For Web Standards
Through the explosive growth of the Web, companies have realized the benefit of building a strong online presence. By publishing a website to the Internet, companies are able to build their brand, market their products, support existing customers, release publicity pieces, and even take orders. Lost in the feverish pace of growth however, has been an eye on the effect that their current web-building practices have on the bottom line and the future of their online presence. Not only does the website content itself have an impact on the company's income but so does the way the site itself is created.
Enhance Your Website With A Yahoo-Style Directory
Does your website have a links/resources page?
Website Development: Become Your Own Expert
Starting and maintaining a business is challenging enough without the additional financial burden of hiring a web site expert to put your vision on paper. If you are starting your business on a ?shoe string budget,? hiring someone to take your written materials to type in a basic format, add a few pictures and edit what you tell them periodically may not be sound money management.
How To Get Profits From Your 404 Page Not Found File
"'Page Not Found' on this Server. Check the URL and try again. Or Refresh the page..."
Tips to Protect Your Downloads or Products
1. Upload robots.txt file in to your root directory and include the folder name where you set your downloads.
Top 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website
A website provides invaluable advantages for businesses who have one.
Guide to Internet Business - Design and Content
After deciding what kind of internet business you want to do, it's time to start planning the design and content of your business. Many people make the mistake of skipping this step, choosing instead to immediately start work on their website. However, a website is just a door into your internet business; and a door is pretty useless if there's nothing beyond it. An internet business, like any other business, requires proper planning and design if it's going to succeed.
What Does An Ex-Basketball Coach Know About Pulling Web Metrics?
In my previous life.....
Web Development Processes and Technical Environments
The process of Web application development is critical to the success of web-based projects. The proper processes can not be enforced unless technical environments are properly setup. Technical environments are required for development, test and production.
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What is SQL?
What is SQL? SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is the lingua franca in the database world. SQL is a standard that is used by all database vendors and programmers to define, extract and access the information that is stored in databases. SQL began life as an IBM creation but was standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as ANSI/ISO SQL in 1988. Since then ANSI/ISO SQL standard continued to evolve. The ANSI-SQL group has since published three standards over the years:
Where on Earth is Your Websitee?
You've just finished congratulating your marketing team. After six months of concentrated effort you can now actually find your own company web site within the search engines. Everyone is busy handshaking and back patting when a voice from the back of the room rises above the din. "Yeah this is great! Can't wait until we can find ourselves on wireless devices."
Do Dancers Need A Website?
Dance is how you pamper your soul and satiate your creativity. Mesmerized and overwhelmed with the pleasure that the dancer relishes while dancing, often there are some practical aspects that tend to get overlooked. As a dancer you might think: Why do I need a website at all? There is nothing I have to advertize!" That is not really so. As a dancer myself, I discovered the amazing advantages of having a website.
The Topic Of Your Website
The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, it's me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is. Topic is very closely connected to another web design issue: keywords. The keywords you select will depend upon the topic you have chosen. When thinking about website topic ask yourself a few questions: What is the goal of the site you are making? What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence.
My Yahoo Search - Beyond Bookmarks
Yahoo has long offered email, an online calendar, notes, bookmarks, and more through their free My Yahoo service. Now Yahoo has expanded this service even more by adding My Yahoo Personal Search to the mix.
Make Your Web Site User-Friendly!
Making a web site is easy. Making a good web site is not so easy. There are many things you have to consider if you want to make a good and successful web site.
Maintaining Your Business Website
QUESTION: Should I build and maintain my business Web site myself or pay someone else to do the work for me? -- Wesley L.
Effective Webdesign
The Basics
The 2 Most Common Web Site Mistakes
When we review the sites of potential clients, there are 2 mistakes we see over and over. If you are having problems with your site, make sure these 2 problems aren't killing you.
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) & Web Accessibility
There's been widespread speculation about the new legislation being introduced under the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act), which will ensure that websites are accessible to blind and disabled users. Try to find specific information about it on the Internet and chances are you'll come up empty handed.
Introductory PHP For Non-Programmers
When you started reading this sentence you assumed lo acabaría en inglés. However, I didn't finish in English. This begs the question, 'In which language did I finish?' Unless I tell you the language, you'd have to run around and compare the words against known words in order to learn that it was Spanish, but I'd bet you'd give up and move on first. Servers work much the same way; if you don't let it know the language it assumes you're speaking to someone else (the browser) and sends it along. Servers aren't even friendly enough to give it a whack and see how it comes out.
Website Content & Usability
Writing for the web is totally different to writing for printed matter. We tend to scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. As a result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website:
Ten Ways NOT to Set Up a Website-based Service Business
1. As the first step, "Hire a web designer."
Top 7 Tips for Building an Antique Car Website
Like wine cars get more attractive to collectors as years pass by. The fact is there are only a finite number of cars made in the world in any model and make. As years pass by only a few of these manage to stay out of the graveyard. These are usually maintained by antique car enthusiasts. Then there is the collector who collects them for their value and sometimes as an investment. After the advent of Internet a lot of self made millionaires and billionaires are out there. These folk consider owning the antiques as prestigious. The current day business folks clearly understand the opportunity that is lying before them. This article provides 7 tips for launching a great antique car website.
Establishing Your Web Presence
Part of the success of most home-based businesses is their web presence. After all, you want to benefit from the global exposure, reduced marketing expenses, and low entry costs. But to receive those benefits, you must first get your web site off the ground which means you need to select an effective domain name and find reliable web hosting.
Let Marketing Manage Your Website Content
The definition of the phrase "Content Management" depends on what the organization may need or a vendor may offer. There is no general purpose or standard content management system that can satisfy today's diverse business needs across the board. And so, factors for successfully implementing a content management system vary depending on individual business needs.
Easy Steps To Website Development and Promotion
One of the most important parts of establishing a new website is website development and promotion. For people to visit your new site, you have to attract them. After spending so much time drawing up your website, you must also think of ways to make customers want to see and use what you have to offer. Below are suggestions that will help you in efforts in website development and promotion.
Earn On Offshore Web Design and Development
If you have some experience in web site design and want to make good money you can try acting as IT-outsourcing partner. Learn more what you should know and how to start.
Lead Generation How to -- 10 Tips On Generating More Internet Sales Leads
Many millions of dollars are being wasted on promoting and sending traffic to ineffective lead generation websites. Here are my top 10 tips to make your site generate more leads for you and your company.
Web Content: How Much Should I Pay?
When web content gets discussed on webmaster bulletin boards, the most common question is, "how much should I pay?" That question is both perfectly logical, and perfectly stupid: