Web Development Information
Top 5 Reasons to Track Your Website Traffic
#5 User Satisfaction: Learn what your visitors and site users do and do not
like about your site. Using a good reporting service allows you to monitor
your pages individually to see what pages are clicked on first, the most
popular pages, duration of any given visitor's time viewing a page (visit
duration), and what pages send your visitors off your site (exit pages).
7 Golden Rules For Building Mini Sites
First, an eye opener. Making your fortune through
affiliate programs on the internet is not easy. Some
people would tell you different. It can be done, but
it is not as easy as some would have you think.
Building Websites with Directory Generator
Directory Generator, a product from Armand Morin and Marc Quarles, builds directory-style websites for you in a matter of minutes. It is simple to use, it's reliable, it does what it claims to do. The tool is essentially a push-button site builder - all you really have to do is upload the generated pages to your host system. There are no fancy technical skills involved.
Are You Overlooking the Benefits of Using Sub-Domains within Your Web-hosting account?
One of the most useful features offered by some web hosting companies, is the option of creating sub-domains in the same web hosting account. The problem is, most website owners are not aware of why and how to create sub-domains.
Free Websites & Why You Should Avoid Them
It amazes me how many people try to build serious websites with free web host providers. Granted, we all love things in life that are marked "free", but it doesn't always make sense to go that route if it will cost you more in the long run.
Topics to Add When Creating an Alternate and Modern Medicine Web Directory
Alternate medicine finds its own place in the hearts and minds worldwide and has a separate following to back its existence. There are many subcategories that could be added to the modern and alternate medicine website directories. Although the list below is not exhaustive it is a good start. After looking at multiple directories in the web that just places everything into one big category ?health related websites?. I thought it?s time to present some categories in this vibrant segment of the web; there are lot?s of websites in this category which need a separate home in the directories. Even in the High PR and traffic rich directories finding the right websites gets tough by browsing the whole category. For your reference a single line definition obtained from wikipedia is placed under each category.
Creating Websites that Cater to Exam Preparations
One of the things that Internet excels is disseminating information and knowledge across many brains and continents. In this global economy the aspirations of the younger generation is not bounded by countries or continents. They aspire to join the best universities or train to be part of great global business entities. The demand for these has become so high that aspirations are just the start but a lot of planning and taking courses is involved. For folks whose aspirations are quenched by local universities it is relatively easy as they can easily form study groups or circles. For the rest whose aspirations don?t suit the popular trend in their current physical locality they don?t have access to study circles. For these folks Internet is the main and sometimes the only tool available. There are many great Internet companies that cater to the needs of the folks. But this market is nascent and is evolving. This article provides a snapshot of what is offered by some of the popular online websites which would be really helpful for new comers who want to help for the countless dedicated niche areas.
Is Your Web Site Talking to Your Customer?
A while ago one of my clients approached me and mentioned that
they were experiencing a serious problem with customer
registrations (obtaining customer names and e-mail addresses),
on their web site. They still had a lot of traffic, but were
finding that the ratio between traffic and registrations had
been dropping steadily.
Creating Compelling Content , Write It and They Will Come
In a previous ezinearticles.com article,"I Need real visitors, Not Search Spiders" we discussed the need for content. Well written, insightful, informative content will bring your readers/customers in and keep them on your site Long enough to hear about your products or read about the event you are sponsoring. What ever the object of your desire is content holds the key.
Web Coach Tip: What You Should Know About DIY Web Sites
Recently, a friend asked "What's the deal with those DIY companies that advertise "How to get a website with everything your business needs for under $20 bucks a month?". "How can they do that?" she said.
Why Your Business Needs a Website
Even with the steady growth of the World Wide Web, many businesses do not have an online presence and some think that they do not need to have a presence at all.
How to Listen on the Web
When building a relationship, listening is more important than talking.
Build It and They Will Come
Build it and they will come is not always true; you have to form a relationship with the company before you will get quality attendees
or participants for a free service.
10 Tips For Running A Profitable Web Site
1. Address your targeted audience on your business
site. Example: "Welcome Internet Marketers". If
you have more than one, address them all.
The Problem with Paypal On Your Web Page
When I set up my website I felt paypal was a very simple and easy solution when people wished to purchase my products.
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Freelance Programming is Easy to Manage
There are several reverse bid freelance sites out there. Beyond the big ones, smaller ones are popping up each day. With the variety of places for a programmer to go and look for work the review systems in place on these sites don't count for as much as they did at one point in time. If you are thinking about getting a project off the ground and using a freelancer there are some basic rules you should go by.
Why You Really Need Your Own Web Page In-order To Make Online Business!
How many Web Sites did you stumble over telling you that you don't actually need your own? Now, this is true to a certain extend but not if you are heading for the real scoop.
5 Essential Traits Of A Home Business Website
So you've decided to start an online work at home business and are just beginning to build your website. You probably have a million different ideas for what you want the site to look like. You will want to take into consideration that your idea of a great website may differ drastically from what a website designed to make sales should be like.
How One Word Or Even One Letter Can Boost Conversion Rates By Over 400%!
Recently I was reviewing the keyword specific conversion rate data of a consulting client of mine. I have been working with this client for a few months now, helping her improve the sales conversion rate of her website and we have had very good results, taking average conversion rates at her site from below 1% to just over 4.3%.
How to Draw Icons or Images on a Mapserver Generated Map
In this example I have used the map of the Itasca demo of the Mapserver. I have done only small changes to the map file. The Itasca demo has (into the html file) the parameters of the path where to store the images:
7 Golden Rules For Building Mini Sites
First, an eye opener. Making your fortune through affiliate programs on the internet is not easy. Some people would tell you different. It can be done, but it is not as easy as some would have you think.
Building a Web Store on Shoestring Budget in less than Four Hours
Starting a business online is no longer as difficult as it used to be! Now, there are plenty of interesting business ideas that anybody can pick up from various Internet resources. Startup related cost, which used to deter many in taking action, has become negligible. Many people already started to notice this! According to a recent report GoDaddy has gained 294,368 new sites in just the first 5 months of 2005 while the top four domain registrars combined, including GoDaddy, have gained more than half a million. Mind it! This is not the quantity of domains registered, this is the quantity of websites hosting with them! This recent explosive growth means one thing. Online business is on the rise!
50 Ways To Use Your Website
A website is the most versatile and cost-effective marketing tool on the market. It is also an investment. After all, you are building a shopfront. In a nutshell, you can use your website to: Enhance your professional image 1. Look professional and as BIG as large corporations. 2. Pre-sell yourself to new clients even before you meet them. 3. Supply a meaningful and intuitive address related to your type of service. It is easier to remember www.marketingcues.com rather than a long ISP email address such as www.yourInternetServiceProvidername.com/~marketingcues. 4. Provide a permanent address with up-to-date contact details and opening hours. You can change Internet Service Provider or move physical premises and your customers will always find you and your marketing efforts are not lost.
Email Addresses in Web Pages
You want to give your site's visitors a way to contact you by email but don't want your emali address to be abused. Here are a few ways to protect your email address when building your website.
You Don?t Have to be Amazon.com to Achieve 12% Conversion Rates!
That's right. According to a recent study by Nielsen/NetRatings, Amazon.com converts 12.8% of its visitors into sales.
Are Web Graphics Stealing Your Money?
They might not be wearing a mask and carrying a gun, but if you've got images on your web pages then they could be costing you a lot more money than you think every time a visitor looks at one. That's because image files are typically the biggest bandwidth user on any web page. Whenever a visitor's browser is displaying an image on your site, it's actually downloading that image to the local user's hard drive. When anything gets downloaded, it uses bandwidth and bandwidth costs money. The moral of that story is: The bigger the image the more bandwidth it consumes.
Autoresponders Make You Look Like A Pro
People like to get immediate responses to requests. Autoresponders are great for letting people know you are on the job and that their requests are being taken care of. These are much better than thank you pages.
How Web Templates Are Helping Online Businesses to MultiplyTheir Income
Web templates by nature are created to aid and ease the strenuous process of a typical web development phase. Idea collection, analysis, research, design are just a small part of a bigger picture. It is no doubt with the availability of web templates, we can almost eliminate the need of research and initial analysis, although not entirely.
Now You Have a Web Site - Have You Ever Heard of Accessibility?
An accessible Web site is easily approached, easily understood, and useable for all. There are accessibility standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium, which all sites should adhere to as much as possible.
Thinking Of Taking Money Online? Whats Best For Merchants? PayPal, WorldPay or Something Else?
It's now easier than ever to take payments on the web. As people selling their wares take pot shots at eCommerce providers in an ever-increasing battle to sabotage their "competitors'" success it gets harder and harder to find an honest unbiased opinion.
How To Make Your Website More Successful? (Part I)
Building a website and getting it online is easy. Driving visitors to it is the more difficult part. Most people are not patient enough when it comes to build up traffic. They expect thousands of visitors a week after they go live with their website. But that is not how it works. We share some secrets of how to make your website more successful.
Wheres Your Focus, Money or Customer?
Is your website Really useful?
Successful Commercial Sites
Do you make your website just to entertain yourself or do you want it to be a great web store? The fact is more than 80% of websites are trying to sell you something. There is nothing wrong if you want to get some money from the website you made, but remember to put some REALLY interesting information on your pages. This information must be free, unique and necessary to as many people as possible.
Frequent Business Question: How Do You Start a Web Business?
Today it seems everyone is jumping on the entrepreneur bandwagon, and who could blame them? Setting your own schedule, working from the comfort of your own home, and never having to deal with a horrible commute or office politics again, this option is quite popular among all ages. With the advent of the technology age, it seems more individuals are looking to the internet to provide them with goods or services. Without having to leave your computer to shop for whatever your heart desires, web businesses have boomed over the past decade. More popular than ever, starting your own web business is an excellent way to earn an extra income or replace your current income. However, many individuals who wish to begin this new chapter in their lives do not have any experience in starting or running a business, spurring them to ask the question: how do you start a web business? The answer is: easy! All you need is a computer, internet connection, and a dream and you are halfway there.
Websites for Writers ? Why You Need One and How to Get Started Today
It may seem like the publishing industry's equivalent of Beanie Baby madness- everyone is talking about writer's websites. Freelancers and authors everywhere are jumping on the bandwagon, publishing sites to promote themselves and their work. This craze leaves many writers wondering if it's just a fad or if it's really worth the expense and effort. While it may seem like an overwhelming or frivolous endeavor, there are some solid business reasons why you should consider setting up your own website.